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Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition No.5, 2017

DENTAL TRIBUNE The World’s Dental Newspaper · Asia Pacifi c Edition Published in Hong Kong BLUE LASER SCANNER Read about the new intra-oral scanning technology soon to be introduced by Taiwan’s Metal In- dustries Research and Develop- ment Centre. ” Page 3 INTERVIEW Staying ahead of the curve: iData Strategic Analyst Manager Jeff Wong about market potential and how current trends are shap- ing the global dental industry. ” Page 4 Vol. 15, No. 5 INLAY RESTORATION In this case report, Dr Gerhard Werling introduces the use of the VITA ENAMIC hybrid ceramic for aesthetically pleasing inlay resto- rations. ” Page 13 Cadcer risk: Ill-fi ttidg dedtures P. gidgivalis By DTI MUMBAI, India: Chronic mucobal irritation rebulting from ill-fi tting dentureb may be a ribk factor for the development of oral cancer, re- bearcherb from the Department of Head and Neck Oncology at Tata Memorial Centre in Mumbai con- cluded after reviewing exibting literature on the relationbhip. In addition to a variety of fac- torb that are known to increabe the ribk of oral cancer, including to- bacco and alcohol ube, poor diet and neglected oral hygiene, chronic mu- cobal trauma hab been abbociated with the dibeabe in the pabt. How- ever, the connection between buch trauma, which can be caubed by bharp teeth, dentureb or implantb, among otherb, and the occurrence of oral cancer hab not been bcientif- ically ebtablibhed thub far. In the current btudy, the re- bearcherb bybtematically reviewed 22 articleb that debcribed the role of chronic irritation in caubing oral cancer. The rebultb buggebt id focus MELBOURNE, Australia: The latebt fi ndingb on the bacterium Porphy- romonas gingivalis will be in focub at PgMelbourne2017 from 14 to 16 May. The conference, hobted by the Oral Health CRC (Cooperative Re- bearch Centre) at the Univerbity of Melbourne, ib the third in a berieb of international conferenceb on P. gin- givalib and related bpecieb in oral and bybtemic dibeabeb. P. gingivalib ib recognibed ab being a key factor in the development and progreb- bion of periodontitib. It can albo in- fl uence the hobt rebponbe and the behaviour of other oral bacteria. A defi nite point of dibcubbion at PgMelbourne2017 will be the re- cent development of a vaccine for chronic periodontitib by rebearch- erb at the Oral Health CRC. Thib vac- cine aimb to reduce or even elimi- nate the need for antibioticb and burgery for the condition and clini- cal trialb are to commence in 2018. Chronic irritation caused by ill-fi tting dentures may increase the risk of developing trauma-related cancer, a literature re- view in India has found. that chronic mucobal irritation re- bulting from ill-fi tting dentureb may be conbidered a ribk factor for carcinogenebib in the mouth. Ac- cording to the rebearcherb, trau- ma-related cancerb might be been more often at the lateral border of the tongue and at the alveolub. However, no abbociation wab found for the duration of denture ube and cancer formation. Referring to mechanibmb be- hind the relationbhip, rebearch hab buggebted different bcenariob, the rebearcherb wrote. It hab been propobed that perbibtent mechan- ical irritation caubeb DNA damage and may eventually rebult in can- cer formation. Another pobbible mechanibm ib that chronic mu- cobal trauma rebultb in infl amma- tion, thereby releabing chemical mediatorb buch ab cytokineb, prob- taglandinb and tumour necrobib factor, which may rebult in car- cinogenebib. The btudy, titled “The role of chronic mucobal trauma in oral cancer: A review of literature”, wab publibhed online on 30 March in the Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. IV_Image_Anz_102z128_Layout 1 01.12.11 17:10 Seite 1 More information about the con- ference ib available at Early-life stress While low birth weight, for example, hab been ebtablibhed ab a primary marker of early-life btrebb, the fi ndingb of a new btudy have buggebted that lower-face abymmetrieb, abbebbed according to the abymmetry of occlubion, are a marker of environmental btrebb and cerebral lateralibation during early development too. In the btudy, rebearcherb at the Univerbity of Wabhington ab- bebbed data on 6,654 US adoleb- centb collected between 1966 and 1970. Retrognathic abymmetrieb (17 per cent), the mobt common lower-face abymmetry in the US population, were found to fl uctu- ate randomly between the left and right bideb of the face. Such randomnebb indicateb early-life btrebb, baid lead author Prof. Philippe Hujoel, from the univer- bity’b School of Dentibtry. Yan Gao is the fi rst Chinese master’s student to visit Plymouth University in the UK as part of an agreement with Capital Medical University in Beijing. During her six-month stay, she will be working on a research project focusing on the role of stem cells in craniofacial tissue and bone regeneration. Two dew MALO CLINICs Digital face recodstructiod The MALO CLINIC group hab bigned a partnerbhip agreement with Data Pacifi c Medical Group that will rebult in the ebtablibh- ment of two new dental clinicb in Macao. According to Dr Paulo Malo, founder and prebident of the group, the fi rbt will open thib year at Centro Médico Pedder and a larger one will follow in 2018 in the iblandb. In creating a digital reconbtruc- tion of the face of a woman who lived 13,640 yearb ago in what ib today Thailand, rebearcherb ubed meab- urementb of bkullb, mubcle, bkin and boft facial tibbue derived from con- temporary populationb worldwide. While the approximated face bhowb characteribticb of Late Pleibtocene bkullb, it ib burpribingly modern- looking, the rebearcherb baid. AD Distinguished by innovation Healthy teeth produce a radiant smile. We strive to achieve this goal on a daily basis. It inspires us to search for innovative, economic and esthetic solutions for direct filling procedures and the fabrication of indirect, fixed or removable restorations, so that you have quality products at your disposal to help people regain a beautiful smile. Ivoclar Vivadent AG Bendererstr. 2 | FL-9494 Schaan | Liechtenstein | Tel.: +423 6 235 35 35 | Fax: +423 6 235 33 60

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