SHOW REVIEW industry When innovation meets indication With GRADIA PLUS, GC presents a simpler, smarter composite system for indirect restorations ative material, GC has ensured that GRADIA PLUS comes in different types of pastes, each of them adapted to their typical indication and area of application. Heavy Body, used in the creation of internal dentine struc- tures, is non-sticky and retains its shape. The technician can use the Light Body shades separately or mixed together to create the desired colour tone. In high-aesthetic work, the layering technique, using both consistencies in the same resto- ration, offers an almost unlimited number of colour and texture combi- nations. The GRADIA PLUS system in- cludes Lustre Paint, innovative and versatile internal and external paint- able colours that can easily be mixed together to produce almost any co- lour nuance. It also comes with its own diluting liquid if the technician wishes to adjust the consistency. Lus- tre Paint colours make it incredibly easy to add long-lasting colour and gloss, with high wear resistance. Used on the surface, it reduces pol- ishing and saves valuable time. The only light needed Completing the GRADIA PLUS product family is the new all-in-one GC Labolight DUO, a multifunctional light-curing device that polymerises all shades effectively, with fast irra- diation times, using the latest dou- ble-wavelength LED technology. The light offers two curing modes: pre- curing (step mode) and final curing (full mode). Owing to an automated rotary system and reflective plate, the light is distributed with optimum efficiency and the work is exposed from all sides. (cid:26) documentation function allows con- venient saving all values of the im- plant insertion to a USB stick. The W&H Osstell ISQ module is optional and can also be retrofitted by simply connecting it to the new Implantmed at a later point in time. According to the company, this unique fusion of state-of-the-art tech- nologies from W&H and Osstell has made it possible to set new benchmarks in the international den- tal market and offer users a decisive bonus in terms of functionalities and optimal treatment efficiency. (cid:26) (cid:132) When GC was developing its new laboratory composite, a main consid- eration was the needs of dental tech- nicians. The new GRADIA PLUS com- posite system for indirect resto- rations is therefore the result of close cooperation between the company and a group of leading dental techni- cians from all over Europe, who were involved from the very first stages of development. GRADIA PLUS is a high-strength nano-hybrid light-curing system that consistently exceeds aesthetic and performance expectations over a wide range of indications and tech- niques, from classic or multi-chro- matic build-up to monolithic ap- proaches. According to GC, it has a brightness, translucency, chroma and natural opalescence that com- pare favourably to ceramics. Featur- ing half as many syringes as before, it comes with fewer standard shades and in a modular format, offering productivity, flexibility and individu- ality with no compromise on the end result. Rather than dictate to the labora- tory technician how to do his or her job, GC has developed this compact modular composite system with a number of stand-alone kits that indi- vidually give optimum performance. These include layer sets, paint sets, accessories and a state-of-the-art all- in-one light-curing device. GRADIA PLUS is an integrated system that, if used in its entirety, will produce ex- ceptional outcomes; however, techni- cians can use whatever modules suit their way of working and the indica- tions of the particular case. Having fewer standard shades allows indi- vidual mixing and layering, similar to ceramic veneering—easy and cost-effective with no compromise on strength. The colour range has been carefully chosen and adapted to the needs of dentistry today. The unique modular concept al- lows the technician to step into the system wherever he or she likes. Ac- cording to GC, there is always a set or a combination that will meet their demands regarding indication or technique. Being able to achieve the best possible aesthetics was a prime aspect in the development of GRADIA PLUS, so in addition to the creation of lifelike tooth and gingival shades, technicians will be able to closely match any oral situation— white or red—in both the anterior and posterior regions, ranging from sin- gle crowns to full rehabilitations, in- cluding everything from metal-free inlays, veneers and jacket crowns to frame-supported crowns and bridges and implant superstructures. A long-term, permanent solution A brilliant smile is only as good as long as it lasts. GRADIA PLUS has outstanding wear-resistance, GC said, with its compact, smooth sur- face providing durability and high- gloss retention. While remarkably strong, the composite is also gentle on opposing teeth, making it particu- larly suitable for posterior high-wear, high-pressure restorations that are prone to chipping or cracking when made with porcelain. All of this can be achieved owing to the company’s state-of-the-art nano-filler polymer technology, which uses high-density and homogeneously dispersed ul- tra-fine fillers blended into the resin matrix. Knowing how vital handling is to the technician in selecting a restor- For a more stable implant W&H introduces Implantmed with W&H Osstell ISQ module into (cid:132) With the exclusive integration of the Osstell ISQ (Implant Stability Quotient) module its new Implantmed, Austrian dental manu- facturer W&H is now offering a unique system for the measuring of implant stability. In combination with the drive unit’s improved functional- ities, the module is intended to in- crease certainty and reliability in the evaluation of treatment success. As an optional and retrofittable product feature, Osstell ISQ offers cli- nicians the ability to monitor the sta- tus of osseointegration continuously and document it, along with the torque. The user can then make deci- sions with increased certainty. Addi- tionally, patients benefit from an opti- mised treatment flow. Determining the optimal time to load an implant is complex, since one must take into account all key param- eters and the patient’s risk factors. The retrofittable W&H Osstell ISQ module allows the surgeon to benefit from a unique system for the measur- ing of implant stability. While the Implantmed’s integrated automatic thread-cutter function and the torque control help the dentist during inser- tion of implants, the Osstell ISQ mod- ule makes it easier to determine the optimal loading time for an implant. According to the company, the stability value measured by the de- vice helps to improve the success rate and is a form of quality assurance. With this non-invasive measuring system, it is possible to determine the primary stability of the implant, monitor the osseointegra- tion using secondary measurements and estab- lish the optimal point in time for loading the implant. The ISQ value (scale of 1 to 100) is shown on the display after the measurement has been taken. Implantmed’s 18 37th International Dental Show 2017