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Ortho Tribune Middle East & Africa No.3, 2017

E6 ◊Page E5 PERIADOLESCENT ALVEOLAR MODELING: Results ORTHO TRIBUNE Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | 3/2017 ADOLESCENT ALVEOLAR MODELING: Pre-/Posttreatment Comparison Demonstrates Esthetic Benefi t of Transverse Alveolar Bone Modeling PRETREATMENT POSTTREATMENT 6.5 YEARS POSTTREATMENT Note: The mandibular canines in the patient’s retention records seem to indicate signifi cant expansion but is explained by the uprighting of these teeth over their apices. ADOLESCENT ALVEOLAR MODELING: Stable Results 6.5 Years Posttreatment CASE STUDY 4 ADULT ALVEOLAR MODELING: Pretreatment Diagnosis A 21-year-old female patient pre- sented with an anterior open bite and bilateral, posterior cross bites. Her dental history included Phase I expansion and Phase II comprehen- sive treatment with another ortho- dontist. She was referred by an oral surgeon for orthodontic alignment prior to orthognathic surgery to cor- rect the open bite and constricted maxilla. Treatment Summary Treatment was initialed using PSL appliances and lowfriction/low-force protocols with 2 oz. posterior cross elastics engaged bilaterally from at- tachments on the lingual surfaces of the maxillary second premolars and fi rst molars to buccal attachments on the mandibular second premo- lars and fi rst molars. The occlusion was disarticulated with fl at-plane composite build-ups on the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary fi rst and second molars. When the case pro- gressed to the .019” x .025” stainless steel wires, the maxillary arch was sectioned bilaterally between the lateral incisors and canines in prepa- ration for surgery. The surgeon, how- ever, deemed that orthognathic sur- gery was no longer required. The case was fi nished with vertical elastics and retained with bonded lingual re- tainers and a Damon Splint retainer prescribed for nightly wear for the initial 12 months of retention. Results Treatment was completed in 21 months. Size-corrected upper oc- clusal photographs taken at bonding and debonding illustrate the change in the size and shape of the maxillary alveolus induced by passive self-liga- tion treatment. Unfortunately, the patient relocated and was unavail- able for long-term follow up. PERIADOLESCENT ALVEOLAR MODELING: Results ADULT ALVEOLAR MODELING: Pre-/Posttreatment Comparison Demonstrates Alveolar Modeling. Surgery was Precluded in this Case. PRETREATMENT POSTTREATMENT ÿPage E7

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