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implants – international magazine of oral implantology Polish edition No. 4, 2016

implants_one-piece implants plant is not subjected to immediate loading, but only after 4 to 6 months. Although Branemark showed method and scientiic rigor, he unde- niably claimed the opposite of what the clas- sic implantologists do, and in open contrast to the experience of surgeons from other osseo- artculatory sectors (Fig 9). The implants used in the two phase technique are built with two components. The ixture, which represents the endosse- ous portion, inserted during the irst surgery by means of bone tapping, and left to rest for 4 to 6 months: in most cases, the screw is very difer- ent to the one used in immediate loading as it is not self-tapping, does not have a tip, has a very ine thread but a wider diameter. The abutment or emerging stump, screwed to the ixture to sup- port the prosthetic after the above-mentioned period of rest. The implants are completed with the addi- tion of the prosthetics and functionalized. The interval of several months between the inser- tion of the implant in the bone and its loading is the basics of the two-phase technique (Fig. 10). Despite being in total contrast with the validated implant methods to date, Branemark’s technique Fig. 4_Mono-phase post-extraction implants, welded and functionalized in the same surgical moment with a cemented prosthetic. Ryc. 4Aa Ryc. 4Ab Ryc. 4Ac Ryc. 4Ad Ryc. 4Ba Ryc. 4Bb Ryc. 4Bc Ryc. 4Bd implants 4_2016 4747

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