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laser - international magazine of laser dentistry

laser_case report and debris removal in comparison with EDTA irriga- tion, hand activation or even ultrasonic activated ir- rigation,19, 24, 24–27 resulting in a signifi cant clearance of canals/isthmuses prior obturation28 and less mi- croleakage of root canal fi lling materials.29 Moreover, it has also been shown to be suitable for deep root canal system disinfection and to allow irrigation solutions to travel apically.22, 30–32 In addition, Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation has been shown to pro- duce clinically safe temperature increments along the root canal walls,32–35 together with absence of molecular dentine changes, signs of melting or car- bonisation.18, 34, 36 Previously, laser-assisted endodontic protocols consisted of using plain fi bres (with a straightforward emission beam profi le). Generally, these fi bres were placed in the main canal and withdrawn from apical to coronal in a rotating motion. However, such tech- nique is known to be sensitive and to produce incon- sistent results.18, 35, 37 Designed to overcome such limitations, radial fi r- ing tips (RFT) present a beam expansion pattern— promoted by the tip geometry—that favours a ho- mogeneous energy distribution along the root canal wall. In contrast with plain fi bres, RFT have been shown to produce consistently relevant in vitro re- sults. They are known to spread their energy in the direction of the dentinal tubules,22 to produce lower temperature increments,27 to increase cavitation ef- fects towards the root canal walls without harming periapical tissues,38 to be highly effi cient in bacterial and biofi lm reduction39, 40 and to allow irrigating solutions to travel apically by overcoming the airlock effect.41 Although some clinical studies have demonstrated the potential benefi ts and long-term outcomes after laser-assisted treatments,42, 43 there is no mention of any IRR case treated with a laser-assisted technique. The report of distinct clinical cases with long-term follow-ups may be an additional support for an evi- dence-based proof of concept. Case report A 31-year-old female patient presented for con- sultation, complaining of recurrent swelling and painful episodes related to tooth 11, which had been treated with antibiotic prescriptions over the past few years. The patient’s medical history was not con- register for FREE – education everywhere – no time away from and anytime the practice – live and interactive – interaction with webinars colleagues and experts – more than 1,000 archived across the globe courses – a focused discussion forum – a growing database of scientifi c articles and case reports – free membership – ADA CERP-recognized no travel costs credit administration AD Dental Tribune Study Club Join the largest educational network in dentistry! ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. 1_2017 laser 3535

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