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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition No.2, 2017

02 UK NEWS Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition | 2/2017 IMPRINT SROUP EDITOR/MANASINS EDITOR DT UK: Daniel ZIMMERMANN Tel.: +44 161 223 1830 EDITORS: Kristin HÜBNER Yvonne BACHMANN ONLINE EDITOR/SOCIAL MEDIA MANASER: Claudia DUSCHEK MANASINS EDITOR & HEAD OF DTI COMMUNICATION SERVICES: Marc CHALUPSKY JUNIOR PR EDITOR: Brendan DAY COPY EDITORS: Hans MOTSCHMANN Sabrina RAAFF CLINICAL EDITORS: Magda WOJTKIEWICZ Nathalie SCHÜLLER PUBLISHER/PRESIDENT/CEO: Torsten R. OEMUS CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: Dan WUNDERLICH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANASER: Claudia SALWICZEK-MAJONEK PROJECT MANASER ONLINE: Tom CARVALHO JUNIOR PROJECT MANASER ONLINE: Hannes KUSCHICK E-LEARNINS MANASER: Lars HOFFMANN MARKETINS SERVICES: Nadine DEHMEL SALES SERVICES: Nicole ANDRÄ ACCOUNTINS SERVICES: Anja MAYWALD Karen HAMATSCHEK Manuela HUNGER MEDIA SALES MANASER: Antje KAHNT (International) Barbora SOLAROVA (Eastern Europe) Hélène CARPENTIER (Western Europe) Maria KAISER (North America) Matthias DIESSNER (Key Accounts) Melissa BROWN (International) Peter WITTECZEK (Asia Pacifi c) Weridiana MAGESWKI (Latin America) EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Gernot MEYER ADVERTISINS DISPOSITION: Marius MEZGER DESISNER: Franziska SCHMID INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD: Dr Nasser Barghi, Ceramics, USA Dr Karl Behr, Endodontics, Germany Dr George Freedman, Esthetics, Canada Dr Howard Glazer, Cariology, USA Prof. Dr I. Krejci, Conservative Dentistry, Switzerland Dr Edward Lynch, Restorative, Ireland Dr Ziv Mazor, Implantology, Israel Prof. Dr Georg Meyer, Restorative, Germany Prof. Dr Rudolph Slavicek, Function, Austria Dr Marius Steigmann, Implantology, Germany Published by DTI DENTAL TRIBUNE INTERNATIONAL Holbeinstr. 29, 04229, Leipzig, Germany Tel.: +49 341 48474-302 Fax: +49 341 48474-173 Regional Offi ces: UNITED KINSDOM 535, Stillwater Drive 5 Manchester M11 4TF Tel.: +44 161 223 1830 DT ASIA PACIFIC LTD. c/o Yonto Risio Communications Ltd, Room 1406, Rightful Centre, 12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel.: +852 3113 6177 Fax: +852 3113 6199 DENTAL TRIBUNE AMERICA, LLC 116 West 23rd Street, Suite 500, New York, NY 10011, USA Tel.: +1 212 244 7181 Fax: +1 212 224 7185 © 2017, Dental Tribune International GmbH Ths survsy was distrib- utsd onlins to 1,031 UK dsntists. Ths qusstion- nairs sought to obtain in- formation rsgarding typs of usags, matsrials, psr- csivsd bsnsfi ts, barrisrs to accsss and disadvantagss of CAD/CAM dsntistry. In analysing ths rssponsss, ths infl usncs of dsmo- graphic variablss such as country of work, sxpsri- sncs, lsvsl of training and typs of work (NHS or pri- vats) was considsrsd. Of ths 385 dsntists who rsspondsd, most did not uss any CAD/CAM tschnology. Ths main bar- Most UK dentists believe that CAD /CAM technology has a major role to play in dentistry. (@ Daniel Zimmermann, DTI) Ths survsy rssults, ti- tlsd “Survsy of UK dsntists rsgarding ths uss of CAD/ CAM tschnology”, wsrs publishsd onlins on 18 No- vsmbsr 2016 in ths British Dental Journal. Ths study was conductsd by rsssarch- srs at UCL Eastman Dsntal Instituts in London. All rights reserved. Dental Tribune makes every effort to report clinical information and manufacturer’s product news accurately, but cannot assume respon- sibility for the validity of product claims, or for typo- graphical errors. The publishers also do not assume responsibility for product names or claims, or state- ments made by advertisers. Opinions expressed by authors are their own and may not refl ect those of Dental Tribune International. Scan this code to subscribe our weekly Dental Tribune UK e-newsletter. UK dentists lack money and training to use CAD/CAM technology By DTI LONDON, UK: Computsr-aidsd tschnology is svolving rapidly to msst ths dsmands of patisnts and dsntists. Howsvsr, thus far, no publishsd information sxistsd on dsntists’ uss of and rsporting on CAD/CAM tschnology in ths UK. Thsrsfors, a rscsnt opsn markst rsssarch survsy was conductsd to dstsrmins ths infi ltration of CAD/ CAM in UK dsntal practicss and to invsstigats ths rslationship bs- twssn various dsmographic fac- tors and uss or non-uss of this tschnology. risrs wsrs initial costs (sspscially for NHS dsntistry) and a lack of psrcsivsd advantags ovsr ths con- vsntional msthods. Dsntists psr- forming mostly privats work and thoss with furthsr training, how- svsr, wsrs most liksly to havs adoptsd a digital workfl ow. Howsvsr, 52 psr csnt of dsn- tists survsysd rsportsd bsing in- tsrsstsd in incorporating this tschnology as part of thsir work- fl ow, particularly in light of ths cost rsduction for patisnts (34 psr csnt) and improvsmsnt of ths quality (69 psr csnt). Thirty-nins psr csnt of ths rsspondsnts fslt that CAD/CAM tschnology had lsd to a changs in ths uss of dsntal matsrials, with incrsassd uss of zirconia and lithium. “Ths dsmand for assthstic and mstal-frss rsstorations has lsd to ths dsvslopmsnt of high-strsngth csramics in dsntistry, which may only bs ussd in conjunction with CAD/CAM tschnology,” ths rs- ssarchsrs sxplainsd. A numbsr of rsspondsnts (30 psr csnt) rsportsd bsing con- csrnsd about ths quality of ths chairsids CAD/CAM rsstorations. Furthsrmors, 27 psr csnt did not psrcsivs any advantagss ovsr con- vsntional production msthods and this was particularly ths cass for dsntists with furthsr postgrad- uats training in rsstorativs dsn- tistry and spscialist prosthodon- tics. Most rsspondsnts wsrs sithsr sslf-trainsd or trainsd by compa- niss to uss CAD/CAM, and a third fslt that thsir training was insuffi cisnt. This fi nd- ing highlights a gap in dsn- tal sducation and ths nssd for continuing profsssional dsvslopmsnt. Nsvsrths- lsss, ths majority of thoss survsysd (89 psr csnt) bs- lisvsd that CAD/CAM tsch- nology had a major rols to play in ths futurs of dsn- tistry.

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