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today IDS 24 March 2017

industry SPEIKO PRÄSENTIERT SICH AUF DER IDS MEET SPEIKO AT IDS tion to their own pharmaceuticals, the German company also manufac- tures medical devices and other spe- cialist products, which all are “made in Germany”. Its products portfolio includes material for endodontics, tooth elements, prophylaxis accesso- ries, as well as surgical products and products for dental laboratories. All top quality products are all hand-made on site. SPEIKO is a certifi ed manufac- turer in accordance with Germany’s Sect.13 Medicines Act and complies with ISO standard 13485 related to quality assurances in medical de- vices. The company’s product range is targeted at dentists, dental techni- cians, universities and professional schools, as well as dental traders and all other dentistry-related sec- tors. In addition to their comprehen- sive portfolio, SPEIKO also provides comprehensive and helpful service which includes customised quota- tions, OEM products, training of trading personal as well as the pro- duction of customised SPEIKODENT products such as containers, articu- lation boxes and Bobby mould trans- portation boxes. Whether you would like to re- ceive quotations, have questions an- swered in relation to specifi c prod- ucts or train your fi eld staff, the IDS will give visitors plenty of opportuni- ties to meet SPEIKO representatives in Cologne. (cid:26) SPEIKO, Germany Hall 10.2 Booth U010 (cid:132) Als Spezialist für hochwertige Dentalpräparate und Medizinpro- dukte ist Speiko seit über einem Jahrhundert im Markt tätig. Das Unternehmen stellt unter anderem Arzneimittel, Medizinprodukte und weitere Spezialprodukte mit dem Label „made in Germany“ her. Das Produktportfolio reicht dabei von der Endodontie über Prophylaxe hin zur Chirurgie und Produkten für das Dentallabor. SPEIKO’s Spit- zenprodukte werden allesamt in Handarbeit und vor Ort produziert. Das Unternehmen verfügt über die Herstellerlaubnis nach § 13 Arznei- mittelgesetz (AMG) und erfüllt die ISO-Norm 13485 zur Qualitätssiche- rung von Medizinprodukten. Das weitreichende Sortiment des Unternehmens richtet sich so- wohl an Zahnärzte als auch an Zahntechniker, Universitäten und Meisterschulen sowie Dentalhänd- ler und weiter verwandte Bran- chen. Darüber hinaus bietet es nach eigenen Angaben einen umfassen- den und zuvorkommenden Service an. SPEIKO offeriert unter anderem Dienstleistungen wie das Erstellung von individuellen Angeboten, die Herstellung von OEM-Produkten, Schulungen für Dentalhändler und die Fertigung individueller SPEIKO- DENT-Produkte wie Container, Arti- kulationsboxen oder Bobby-Abfor- mungstransportboxen. Egal, ob Sie sich für die Angebote interessieren, Fragen zu speziellen Dentalproduk- ten haben oder sich von ihrem Außendienst schulen lassen möch- ten, auf der IDS wird es zahlreiche Möglichkeit für ein persönliches Kennenlernen und Erfahrungsaus- tausch geben. (cid:26) (cid:132) SPEIKO has been active in the market as a provider of high-quality dental preparations and medical products for over a century. In addi- TREATMENT REVOLUTION WITH B+ IMPLANT (cid:132) MIS is offi cially launching its lat- est improvement in implant engi- neering at the International Dental Show in Cologne. The B+ is a mono- layer consisting of multi-phospho- nate molecules that was designed to integrate into the surface chemistry of the titanium dioxide of the im- plant, while, at the same time, creat- ing a layer that perfectly integrates with existing and newly forming bone. Dr Bjorn-Owe Aronsson, Chair- man of the Board at Nano Bridging Molecules (NBM) in Switzerland, and his team developed this unique sur- face that according to a number of case studies has proven very effi - cient in maintaining bone level over time. This feature is particularly bene- fi cial for patients with compromised bone healing and poor blood supply. The specifi c bone-bonding properties of the surface have proven to produce greater fi xation of the implant in the early stages post placement, as well as greater stability in later stages. “Titanium is used as implant material owing to its inertness and good acceptance by the human body. Over the years, however, a demand for faster and more predictable inte- gration with the bone has been driv- ing research around the importance of the surface structural and chemi- cal properties,” Aronsson explained. B+ phosphonates have a very high affi nity to the titanium dioxide, which establishes a true covalent chemical bond. The unique proper- ties of this layer also make it ex- tremely hydrophilic, which facilitates the colonisation of cells on the sur- face in a natural way. Research has even shown that blood vessels grow directly into the surface of the im- plant, which is unaffected by the oral environment and has been proven very stable in different pH levels. “With the initial results from testing of the B+ surface it was dis- covered that for the fi rst time specifi c bio-chemical bonding can be ob- tained already at the very early healing phase after implantation,” Aronsson said. Very excited about these dis- coveries, MIS immediately saw the potential for a major breakthrough. Aronsson and his team searched for the right company to partner and were equally enthusiastic about em- AD barking onto the commercialisation phase with a company who was able to provide them with fast implemen- tation and a strong position in the market to take their product forward. Currently, MIS has launched a user experience project, which includes 250 doctors from around the globe who each will be using 10 of the B+ treated implants and report their fi ndings afterwards. Results of stud- ies conducted by Aronsson and his team were extremely promising and both partners are exploring future applications for this advancement. (cid:26) MIS-IMPLANTS, Israel Hall 4.1, Booth B030–D039 EXCELLENCE IS IN THE SIMPLICITY 0505SHADING TECHNOLOGY DOUBLE CONSISTENCY SURFACE GLOSS ERGONOMICS Discover the unique advantages of this product By Unter-Altstadt 28, Mercandor 6300 Zug / Switzerland Visit us @ Hall 4.2 Stand G040 6 direct veneers in upper front teeth: Body i2 & Azur Effect & Skin White designed by Dr. Didier DIETSCHI Form enhancement of 6 anterior teeth: Body i1 & Skin Bleach

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