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today IDS 24 March 2017

news © Yvonne Bachmann, DTI markets the need to develop a faster and more efficient workflow. There is much more to come from this busi- ness through our R & D and market focus. What’s new for IDS 2017? We are bringing a new CBCT de- vice, a new intra-oral X-ray plate reader and a new full portfolio of dental units. In addition, we are in- troducing an image plate reader, which will become available in 2017. Given the many mergers and acqui- sitions the dental market has seen recently, does Alliage have any plans for further business expan- sion? Our business culture is based on solid principles and one of them is the belief that together we can do more. Alliage was created from this principle and we plan to move for- ward with the same philosophy. We strongly believe in business coopera- tion, as is necessary for mergers and acquisitions, especially if we can find business partners aligned with our values. Thank you very much. (cid:26) AD davon ist die Überzeugung, dass wir gemeinsam mehr schaffen. Alliage ist auf dieser Grundlage entstanden und nach dieser Philosophie wollen wir uns auch in Zukunft richten. Wir glauben fest an die Zusammen- arbeit, die ja bei Fusionen und Über- nahmen von entscheidender Bedeu- tung ist – vor allem, wenn wir Part- ner finden, deren Werte zu unseren passen. Vielen Dank für das Interview. (cid:26) (cid:132) On Wednesday, today met with Alvaro Menezes, Head of Interna- tional Markets and Business Develop- ment at Alliage in Brazil, to talk about his company and plans for the future. today: Alliage is the result of the merger of two companies, Gnatus and Dabi Atlante, which was first announced in early 2015. After the conclusion of the merger begun in 2015, what is Alliage’s situation now? Alvaro Menezes: We have now successfully finalised the first phase of integrating the two operations, in- cluding our information technology systems and administrative and com- mercial structures. We have invested about US$ 2 million (€ 1.9 million) in a new SAP HANA information tech- nology infrastructure and we are in the process of moving to integrated production, an additional US$ 4 mil- lion (€ 3.8 million) project. These in- vestments demonstrate our commit- ment to transforming the company into a truly global competitor in the dental industry. On Wednesday at IDS, Alliage hosted a major event on board a ship. What were the objectives? AD Discover the clinic of your dreams! Our objective was to introduce Alliage to the global dental commu- nity as a new company, offering 110 years of combined experience. We celebrated the success we have achieved to date and are aiming at an even brighter future, as Alliage brings to the market all the best from the previous companies’ heri- tages. It has been rumoured that Alliage is currently building new headquar- ters. Is this true? Yes, we are moving to new head- quarters, where we are establishing our factory and will be implementing best management practices. We are focusing on technological develop- ment and planning to foster innova- tion at this modern new site, de- signed to inspire our engineers and other staff, all aligned with our vi- sion of the future. Are you planning to invest in other areas? In addition to the plans already mentioned, we intend to continu- ously invest about 3 per cent of our annual turnover in R & D. What are Alliage’s challenges in the next five years? Our greatest challenge is improv- ing our customer experience through strong service and quality processes. We believe that, by having more sat- isfied customers, we will achieve our solid growth plan. We plan to achieve these goals by truly listening to our customers. Alliage already has a strong pres- ence in the Latin American market. Which markets will be the focus of the company from now onwards? Alliage’s brands are very well known in Latin America and the com- pany is looking forward to exploring other regions in which we have a good market fit. We would like to fur- ther expand our businesses into Europe, Africa and Asia, especially through our dental imaging unit Eagle. How will the focus on service, espe- cially for the foreign market, affect Alliage’s business? Service and customer care are the core aspects of our strategy. We believe this is a key differentiator and we are consistently reviewing our processes and policies. The panoramic and CBCT line Eagle has been enthusiastically received by the dental community. How has the device performed on a global level? From the beginning, our goal with the Eagle product line has been to offer the best image quality in the market. Being near to our clients, we have gradually learnt from different Besuchen Sie unseren Messestand zum Probe- putzen und profitieren Sie von attraktiven Messeangeboten Kommen Sie zur IDS und holen Sie Ihre Sonicare zum Testen ab! So einfach werden Sie Sonicare-Tester: 1. Kommen Sie zu unserem Philips-Stand G10, Halle 11.3. 2. Registrieren Sie sich zum Testputzen und erleben Sie das glatte Sonicare-Gefühl. 3. Werden Sie Tester und nehmen Sie eine Sonicare Schallzahnbürste direkt mit nach Hause. 4. Testen Sie sie über einen Zeitraum von ca. 3 Wochen und senden den ausgefüllten Fragebogen zurück an Philips. Als Gegenleistung für Ihr Feedback dürfen Sie die getestete Schallzahnbürste behalten. Bitte beachten Sie: Als Sonicare-Tester können sich alle Inhaber oder Angestellten einer zahnärztlichen Praxis sowie alle Studenten der Zahnmedizin registrieren. 37th International Dental Show 2017 · 24. März 24 March Erfahren Sie mehr zu unseren neuen Produkten, Studien und Angeboten auf der IDS, Halle 11.3, Stand G10. 13

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