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Dental Tribune Spanish Edition No. 2, 2017

strategies with ITI dental implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1997; 26:263-267 10) D. F. Galindo: The Implant-sup- ported Milled-bar Mandibular Over- denture. J. Prosthodont. 2001;10:46- 51 11) Bueno-Samper, Hernadez-Alia- ga, Calvo-Guirado - The implant- supported milled bar overdenture: A literature review Med. Oral. Patol. Oral. Cir. Bucal. 2010 Mar 1;15 (2): 375-8. 12) Naert I, Gizani S,Vuylsteke M, Van Steenberghe D. A 5- year pros- pective randomized clinical trialon the influence of splinted and unsplin- ted oral implants retaining a mandi- bular overdenture: Prosthetic aspects and patient satisfaction. J Oral Reha- bil 1999, 26: 195-202 13) Visser A, Raghoebar GM, Meijer HJ, Batenburg RH, Vissing A. Mandi- bular overdentures supported by two o four endosseous implants. A 5-year prospective study: Clin Oral Implants Res 2005; 16:19-25 14) Krennmair G, Krainhoffer M, Pie- hslinger E. Implant- supported man- dibular overdentures retained with a milled bar: Int J Oral Maxillofac Im- plants 2007;22:987-994. 15) Fanibunda KB, Allcock GC, Tho- mason JM. Changes in the facial pro- Primera Plana 15 file following insertion of complete denture. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2002;10:143-149 16) Roccuzzo M, Bonino F, Gaudio- so L, Zwahlen M, Meijer HJ. What is the optimal number of implants for removable reconstructions? A syste- matic review on implant-supported overdentures. Clin Oral Implants Res 2012 Oct; 23 Suppl 6: 229-237 17) Ahuja S, Cagna DR. Classifica- tion and management of restorative space in Edentulous implant over- denture patients. J Prosth Dent 2011 May; 105 (5): 332-337. DENTAL TRIBUNE Spain dimensión vertical o la colocación equivocada del plano oclusal. En- tonces la fase del diagnóstico de- termina la elección de la posición de los implantes y la forma de an- claje. Podría ser útil elegir entre 2 métodos: 1) detección de huellas de los arcos edentulos con puesta en articulador de los modelos obteni- dos. De las ceras de registración se obtendrá la posición de la línea de la sonrisa y el plano oclusal parale- lo al plano de Camper. 2) Uso de las prótesis que ya existen, evaluación de la congruencia de la dimensión vertical y de la línea de la sonrisa. Utilizar el calibre de Gutosky para detectar la distancia entre il plano oclusal y gingival empezando por el interior de las reconstrucciones (Fig. 10). Por lo tanto se deduce como el iter diagnóstico es fundamental para evitar complicaciones durante el tratamiento (Tabla 1 a 3). BIBLIOGRAFIA 1) Douglass CW, Shih A, Ostry L. Will there be a need for complete dentures in the United States in 2020? J Prosth Dent 2002; 87: 5-8 2) Zitzmann NU, Hagmann E, Weiger R. What is the prevalence of various types of prosthetic dental restoration in Europe? Clin oral Implant Res 2007 Jun; 18 Suppl 3: 20-33 3) Carlsson GE. Clinical morbidi- ty and sequelae of treatment with complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1998;79:17-23 4) Awad MA, Feine JS Measuring patient satisfaction with mandibu- lar prostheses. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1998 Dec; 26 (6): 400-405 5) Sheiham A, Steele JG, Marcenes W, Finch S, Walls AW. The impact of oral health on stated ability to eat certain foods: Findings from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey of Older People in Great Britain. Gerontology 1999;16:11-20 6) Hobkirk JA, Abdel- Latif, Howlett J, Welfare R, Moles DR. Prosthetic treatment time and satisfaction of edentulous patients treated con- ventional or implant- supported complete mandibular dentures: a case control study (part 1). IntbJ Prosthodont 2008 Nov-Dic; 21 (6). 489-495 7) Feine JS, Carlsson GE, Awad MA, et al. The McGill consensus state- ment on overdentures. Mandibular two-implant overdentures as first choice standard of care for edentu- lous patients. Gerontology 2002;19: 3-4 8) Fitzpatrick B. Standard of care for the edentulous mandible: A syste- matic review. J Prosthet Dent 2006; 95:71-78 9) Wismeijer D, Van Waas MA, Ver- meeren JI, Mulder J, Kalk W. Pa- tient satisfaction with implant-sup- ported mandibular overdentures. A comparison of three treatment

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