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today IDS 22 March 2017

industry TEPE BRINGT FRISCHEN (FARB)WIND INS INTERDENTALBÜRSTEN-SORTIMENT TEPE REFRESHES INTERDENTAL BRUSH RANGE n Auf der 37. IDS in Köln stellt TePe sein modernisiertes Interdentalbürs- ten-Sortiment vor. In neuen frischen Farben erhältlich, verfügen die Bürs- ten jetzt über einen hervorgehobe- nen flexiblem Bürstenhals und eine neu gestaltete praktische Schutz- kappe. Die Verwendung von Interden- talbürsten ist heute die effizienteste Methode zur Plaque-Entfernung zwi- schen den Zähnen. In enger jahr- zehntelanger Zusammenarbeit mit Zahnärzten hat TePe Interdental- bürsten entwickelt, die für anwen- derfreundliches Design und heraus- ragende Qualität stehen. Auf der diesjährigen IDS vom 21.–25.03.2017 präsentiert TePe nun die optimierten Versionen der beliebten Interdental- bürsten und ihr frisch aktualisiertes Design. Die auffälligste Neuerung sind die frischen, modernen Farben der Interdentalbürstenrange, die weiter- hin in insgesamt neun Größen erhält- lich sind. Auf Basis des NCS Colour Systems wurden die Farben sorgfäl- tig ausgewählt und mit professionel- len Industriedesignern harmonisch abgestimmt. Neben der Farbgestal- tung wurde auch der patentierte fle- xible Bürstenhals bei den vier kleins- ten Größen der Interdentalbürsten optimiert. So ist er jetzt halbdurch- sichtig, um seine hohe Flexibilität und einzigartige Funktionalität noch mehr zu betonen. Auch die Schutz- kappe, die als hygienischer Bürsten- schutz und praktische Griffverlänge- rung fungiert, erhielt einen neuen, attraktiven Look. „Diese Aktualisierung ist nicht nur ein Beleg für unsere marktfüh- rende Position, sondern stärkt un- sere gesamte Marke mit neuer Ener- gie“, so Hanna Sjöström, Marketing Director bei TePe. 7 n At the 37th International Dental Show, TePe will present an updated interdental brush range that includes new fresh colours, a highlighted soft neck and a redesigned smart cap. The use of interdental brushes has been scientifically proven to be the most efficient way to remove plaque between teeth. In 25 years of close collaboration with dental ex- perts, TePe has developed interdental brushes that are acknowledged for their user-friendly design and ex- cellent quality. In Cologne, TePe will present improvements made on the original design and features. The most visible update is the refreshed and more modern colours of the interdental brush range, which is now available in nine different sizes. These colours have been carefully selected to harmonise, based on the interna- tional NCS Colour System, according to the Swedish company, and were de- veloped in collaboration with profes- sional industrial designers. The patented soft neck, available on the four smallest sizes, is now semi-transparent to further spotlight its highly flexible and unique feature. The third update is a new fresh look for the cap, functioning as both hy- gienic brush protection and a smart handle extension. “This update not only manifests our market leading position within in- terdental brushes, it also infuses new energy into our brand”, remarked Hanna Sjöström, Marketing Director at TePe. 7 TePe, Sweden Hall 11.3 Booth J010–K019 AD POWER MEETS PRECISION WITH THE NEW PLANMECA PLANMILL 40 S n One of the latest additions to Planmeca’s product line is the Plan- meca PlanMill 40 S milling unit, which was designed for the chair- side fabrication of metal-free dental restorations and appliances. Com- bining superior usability with accu- rate high-speed milling, it is the “The S in the product’s name stands for Smart, which is exactly what the unit brings to the table”, Kanerva further reveals. “From us- ability to performance, the new unit has been built to achieve the smartest and most efficient milling experience in the field.” 16 | 17 | 18 | NOV | 2017 | MEO ARENA | LISBON | PORTUGAL CHOOSE THE BEST SPOT FOR YOUR BRAND IN THE LARGEST DENTAL EXHIBITION HELD IN PORTUGAL WITH MORE THAN 12 000 VISITORS IN 2016 most powerful unit for chairside milling the dental market has ever seen, according to the company. “Planmeca PlanMill 40 S intro- duces a level of quality, precision and performance that has not yet been seen in the industry”, said Jukka Kanerva, Vice President of Planmeca’s Dental care units and CAD/CAM division. With its state-of-the-art design, smart tool paths, expanded range of applications, automated tool changer for 10 tools, and intelligent mainte- nance features, Planmeca PlanMill 40 S is set to offer the most complete milling experience available today. The Planmeca PlanMill 40 S unit will replace its predecessor Planmeca PlanMill 40 in the com- pany’s product line. Combined with the Planmeca PlanScan intraoral scanner and the Planmeca Plan- CAD Easy design software it also forms the Planmeca FIT chairside CAD/CAM system. 7 Planmeca, Finland Hall 11.1 Booth G010–H011 FOLLOW US: 37th International Dental Show 2017 · 22. März 22 March 41

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