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today IDS 22 March 2017

industry NEUES VON CENDRES+MÉTAUX, CM MEDTECH CENDRES+MÉTAUX, CM MEDTECH NOVELTIES (cid:132) Cendres+Métaux verfügt über ein breites Know-how im Fräsen und in der CAD/CAM-Technologie und bie- tet seit Jahren digital hergestellten Zahnersatz an. Spezialisiert ist das Schweizer Traditionsunternehmen auf gefräste Suprastukturen auf Im- plantaten aus Titan, Cr-Co und Pekk- ton. Auf der IDS 2017 wird nun die Materialvariante Edelmetall einge- führt. Einzigartig daran ist laut der Firma, dass der aus Edelmetall ge- fräste Zahnersatz mit den gängigsten Schnittstellen versehen ist und so- mit auch auf Implantate indiziert ist. Als weitere Neuheit wird das Hex Scan-System vorgestellt, welches durch die Standardisierung der Ar- beitsprozesse neue Maßstäbe in der Verbindung vom Prothesenzahn zum Gerüst setzen soll. Die Hex-Form bie- tet zahlreiche Vorteile wie eine Anti- rotation mit sicherem, frikativen Sitz der Zähne. Während abgerundete Kanten den Stress auf den Prothe- senzahn reduzieren, ermöglichen die parallelen Wände einen sicheren und dauerhaften Sitz des Zahnes auf dem Prothesengerüst bei geringer Bauhöhe. Wie es funktioniert, kann unter anderem auf dem YouTube Kanal des Unternehmens live miter- lebt werden. Cendres+Métaux produziert seit über 130 Jahren Produkte für die Zahnmedizin und Medizintechnik. Weltweit bekannt wurde der Name durch die Herstellung und den Vetrieb von Konstruktionselemen- ten, unter anderem der Marke Dalbo und Dolder. Im Jahr 2015 wurde die moderne Implantatverankerung CM A SOLUTION FOR THE DENTAL DISEASE OF THE 21ST CENTURY (cid:132) LiteTouch & Picasso lasers from Light Instruments were designed as a versatile, powerful tool for a wide spectrum of minimally invasive micro-dentistry applications. Thou- sands of cases worldwide have con- fi rmed the precision and effi ciency of both lasers which according to the company improve treatment results and increase patient satisfaction. Owing to their to their excellent hemostatic capability, the Picasso line diode lasers allow precise and fast soft tissue surgery, while the LiteTouch Er:YAG dental laser system offers precise ablative and sub-abla- tive capabilities on both soft and hard tissues, in addition to having bactericidal effects. The number of placed dental im- plants is growing each year and with it the number of biological complica- tions. Among these, peri-implantitis is considered the most common cause of implant loss after osseointe- gration. Microorganisms residing on the surfaces of implants and their prosthetic components are consid- ered to be the primary etiologic fac- tor for the disease. Thus the efforts to save the implants by achieving a complete implant surface disinfec- tion has become the main challenge for periodontologists worldwide. Although the causes of peri-im- plantitis vary and are often inter- linked, primary treatment should in- clude removal of deposits, calculus and granulation tissue, but most im- portantly the bacteria that contami- nate the implant surface and the sur- rounding tissue. While current treat- ment concepts manage to remove the granulation tissue and other infected deposits, the often do not fully fully decontaminate the treated area and implants without harming the im- plant surface. Light Instruments’s new dental laser technology emerged as an alter- native therapy for fi ghting different oral pathogens causing peri-implanti- tis. It comes with several benefi ts. For example, the ablation of the gran- ulation tissue can be performed with- out causing any damage to the im- plant surface and the adjacent tis- sues in areas diffi cult to reach by con- ventional tools. The decontamination of the implant service can also be performed without causing any ther- mal side effects to the tissue and the surrounding bone. Precise and selective, bone sur- gery with the LiteTouch is performed in a very minimally invasive way that maintains tissue integrity and vascularisation. Owing to the bio- stimulation effect of the lasers, dentists will be further able to in- crease the success rate of tissue re- generation success rate. (cid:26) Light Instruments, Israel Hall 4.2 Booth N048–N058 to innovation that the milled precious metal den- ture features the most common inter- faces and is therefore also indicated on implants. Another be launched at the show is the HexScan system, which is supposed to set new benchmarks in the connection of the prosthetic tooth to the framework by standardising the work processes. The hex shape offers several advan- tages including an antirotation with a secure, fricative fi t of the teeth. While rounded edges reduce the burden on the prosthetic tooth, parallel walls provide a secure and permanent fi t of the tooth to the prosthetic framework owing to the low design height. A live demonstration explaining the process can be watched on the company’s Youtube channel. For over 130 years, Cendres+ Métaux has been manufacturing products for dentistry and medical engineering. It has made a name for itself worldwide for its attachments manufactured and distributed under the brands Dalbo and Dolder. In 2015, the state-of-the-art implant anchor CM LOC was launched and received ex- tremely positive feedback from cus- tomers, the company said. In addition to its core competences in microme- chanics, the company has also estab- lished itself in the fi eld of high perfor- mance polymers. Pekkton, which was voted as one of the “game changing” products of 2016 by the American journal Inside Dental Technology (IDT), has become an established clin- ical material for defi nitive aesthetic restorations, particularly on im- plants. (cid:26) Cendres+Métaux, Switzerland Hall 4.1 Booth B020 AD © MIS Implants Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. LOC laut den Angaben der Firma mit einem äußerst positiven Kundenfeed- back eingeführt. Neben seiner mik- romechanischen Kernkompetenz hat sich das Unternehmen inzwischen auch im Bereich der Hochleistungs- polymere etabliert. So ist Pekkton in- zwischen ein klinisch anerkanntes Material für defi nitive ästhetische Restaurationen, speziell auch auf Implantaten. Vom amerikanischen Magazin Inside Dental Technology wurde es im letzten Jahr zum „bahn- brechenden“ Produkt gewählt. (cid:26) fabricated dentures (cid:132) Cendres+Métaux has extensive know-how in milling and CAD/CAM technologies and has been offering digitally for many years. The Swiss traditional company is specialised in milled su- perstructures on implants made of ti- tanium, Cr-Co and Pekkton, in partic- ular. Now at IDS 2017, a new precious metal material variant will be intro- duced to the line. What makes it unique, according to the company, is WE CAN MAKE IT S I M P LE F O R YO U ! H a ll ASK US H OW 4 .1, Aisle B-030/D- 0 3 9 PLEPLEPLEPLE 37th International Dental Show 2017 · 22. März 22 March 29 w w w. m i s - i m p l a n t s . c o m

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