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Ortho - international magazine of orthodontics No.1, 2017

application of the Sagittal First concept case report | Fig. 15a Fig. 15b Fig. 15c Fig. 15d Fig. 15e Fig. 15f Fig. 15g Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18 was obviously not a result of growth in a 27-year- old woman, but the result of balancing the struc- tures of the temporomandibular joint, reposturing the mandible in the temporomandibular space. Prior to treatment, she could not protrude her mandible even to position her lower anterior teeth into the lingual aspect her upper anterior teeth. For this pa- tient, the mandibular reposturing created a dra- matic, positive change in her facial profi le to create a beautiful symmetry. Figures 16 to 18 offer illustra- tions of this reposturing. An indication of the extent of this movement is the fact that after treatment, the patient was able to protrude her mandible be- yond her maxilla._ about Dr Luis Carrière, DDS, MSD, PhD, is a contributing editor to the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics and on the editorial board of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. An invited professor at orthodontic departments throughout the world and a world-renown lecturer, Dr Carrière is the inventor of the internationally known Carriere SLX bracket and the Carriere Motion Appliance. He maintains a private practice in Barcelona, Spain. Figs. 15a–g: Comparison of pre- and post-treatment situations. Cephalo- metric X-rays: initial situation (a); after 3 months of correction – Class I achieved (b); fi nal result (c). Patient’s facial lateral view: initial situation (d); comparation of pre- and post-treat- ment situations (e). Post-treatment intraoral situation: buccal view lower forward movement (f); central view lower forward movement (g). ortho 1 2017 29

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