| case report application of the Sagittal First concept Fig. 7a Fig. 7b Fig. 7c Fig. 7e Fig. 7d Fig. 7f Figs. 7a–f: Final situation achieved after 14 months of treatment (3 months of Motion sagittal treatment and 11 months of Carriere SLX fixed upper second molars. An Essix .04 vacuum-formed retainer***** was employed in the upper arch for maximum anchorage. tures chosen as archwire sizes increased to limit force on the periodontium. appliance therapy). Intraoral view 3 months: Class I platform achieved (a–c); patient’s face (d); cephalometric X-ray (e); pantomograph X-ray (f). By 3 months, the sagittal aspect had corrected to the occlusal lock of the Class I platform (Sagittal First) with the counter clockwise movement of the lower occlusal plane. Note that the lower canines had extruded slightly. Some extrusion of canines is a positive sign of the counter clockwise rotation of the lower posterior occlusal plane that fosters a better positioning of the mandible in relation to the maxilla—a direct effect of the appliance. The Motion appliance was removed and tongue train- ers were bonded to the lingual aspects of the lower incisors to continue to train the tongue to position itself properly in the oral cavity, specifically during swallowing and mastication. Concurrent with the tongue trainers, Carriere SLX .022 PSL brackets were bonded. Treatment followed the Carriere System archwire sequence. The archwires were all thermally acti- vated wires with lower transformation tempera- 26 ortho 1 2017 Wire sequence: .014 Cu Nitanium**** (27 °C) .014 x .025 Cu Nitanium (27 °C) .017 x .025 Cu Nitanium (35 °C) .019 x .025 Cu Nitanium (35 °C) When the upper .019 x .025 archwires were en- gaged, three links of power chain were run bilaterally from the second premolars to the first premolars and from the first premolar to a crimpable hook attached to the wire distal to the lateral incisor to retract the anterior segment, bringing it into the final desired position. 14 months: Sagittal and fixed appliance treat- ment complete With 3 months of sagittal treatment and 11 months of fixed appliance treatment, the case finished to a satisfactory result. The final cephalometric and pan- tomographic X-rays highlight the positioning and health of the roots, a positive sign of the respectful approach of these appliances on the periodontium.