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Ortho - international magazine of orthodontics No.1, 2017

| opinion diagnosis in orthodontics Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 18 Fig. 19 training and understanding of these new systems but such systems are every time easier and perceptibles and the quality, quantity and usefulness of the infor- mation it generates is unquestionable. It is important to remember the concept that we are healthcare providers and our goal is more than to just straighten teeth. Therefore, it is mandatory to di- agnose our patients fully and when necessary, seek consultation from other specialists, since nowadays a great number of our patients require multidisci- plinary treatments. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank the Group Cedirama Digital, for their constant support in the realisation of the exams and software managing; especially to Elie Matta Haddad, BBA._ Fig. 20 about Fig. 13: Decrease of the Temporomandibular joint respiratory tract. Fig. 14: Swollen tonsillar and adenoid tissue. Fig. 15: 3-D cephalometric image. Fig. 16: Jarabak 3-D analysis. Fig. 17: Analysis of the vertical position of the maxillary. Fig. 18: Sagittal section of the TMJ. Fig. 19: 3-D reconstruction of the TMJ; sagittal view. Fig. 20: Arthrosis of the TMJ; sagittal The TMJ is, by definition, a ginglymus diarthrodial complex joint. This complexity is reflected in the knowledge and importance that each professional gives it. There are a number of specialists for who the TMJ is remote from the teeth and does not interfere with orthodontic treatment. On the extreme oppo- site side, for the other group of specialists, the TMJ is the foundation on where they base all their treat- ments. Whichever concept the doctor has on this, the evaluation of the TMJ should be included in the diag- nosis. sections. Conclusion The specialist cannot be unaware of the constant advances in technology. Of course, these develop- ments have to be taken in moderation and with re- sponsibility because it does not substitute the knowl- edge acquired during ones professional training and even less the experience obtained from treating pa- tients. Needless to say, an effort is required for the Dr Enrique González García is a member of the World Federation of Orthodontics, Academia Mexicana de Ortodoncia and Colegio de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia del D.F. Has specialised in the interpretation and handling of images in the areas of: Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics, Implants, Prostho- dontics and Endodontics. Professor of Imaging for Postgraduate of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodon- tics at UNITEC. Invited professor of the Facultad de Odontología División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación de la UNAM, Posgrado de Ortodoncia de la UABC Campus Mexicali and Posgrado de Ortodoncia de UNITEC. Author of many scientific articles and maga- zines in Mexico, Spain and USA. Author of the books: “Tomografía Cone Beam. Atlas de Aplicaciones Clínicas” 1º and 2º edition and “Oclusión Práctica. Conceptos Actuales” and the 3rd chapter of the book “Ortodoncia y Microimplantes”. Advisor for KaVo Kerr Group in the area of Imaging and for Cedirama Digital.Currently runs his exclusive practice of Orthodontics and TMJ Dysfunctions in Mexico City and is a national and international speaker. 12 ortho 1 2017

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