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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 1, 2017

P h y s i o l o g i c a l b o n e r e m o d e l i n g o n O s s t e m i m p l a n t s Figs. 6 & 7 Figs. 8 & 9 Fig. 6 Screw-retained temporary restoration placed eight weeks after implant placement. Fig. 7 Try-in of the zirconia-based frameworks. Fig. 8 Delivery of the final restoration. Fig. 9 Intraoral photograph taken one year after delivery of the definitive restoration. The patients were of both sexes (34 males and 56 females) and had an average age of 53.2 ± 15.4 years (range of 24–81 years). All of the patients were followed up for a minimum period of one year after loading (mean of 17.6 ± 2.5 months; range of 12–24 months). Most of the implants (n = 208) were placed in non- smoking patients, while 20 implants were placed in patients who smoked ≤ 10 cigarettes per day and 15 implants in patients who smoked > 10 cigarettes per day. The main implant char- acteristics are shown in Table 2. Forty-three implants were immediately placed in post-extraction sockets (Type 1),18 75 implants were placed 12–16 weeks after a sock- et preservation procedure (Type 3)18 and 125 implants were placed late (more than four months after tooth extraction, Type 4).18 For- ty-nine implants were immediately loaded (20.2%) and 76 implants were placed using guid- ed surgery (32.5%). Overall, 172 implants were conventionally placed without bone augmenta- tion. Nineteen implants were placed in conjunc- tion with horizontal GBR using a native collagen membrane and 1:1 ratio of particulated xenograft and autologous bone. Ten implants were placed in conjunction with a transcrestal sinus floor eleva tion. Three implants were placed with a combination of GBR and transcrestal sinus floor eleva tion. Thirty-nine immediate implants were placed in combination with socket preservation procedures. The overall insertion torque ranged between 15.0 and 45.0 N cm (mean of 42.9 ± 4.8 N cm). Two hundred and three implants (83.5%) were placed at an insertion torque ranging from ≥ 35 to 45 N cm. The definitive restorations were delivered 8 to 20 weeks after second-stage sur- gery (Fig. 11). All of the impressions were taken at implant or abutment level with anatomically customized light-curing acrylic impression trays (Elite LC tray, Zhermack, Badia Polesine, Italy) fabricated on a preliminary cast derived from an irreversible hydrocolloid impression taken with a stock metal impression tray. The impressions were made with plaster (Snow White Plaster No. 2, Kerr, Orange, Calif., U.S.) in the case of edentulous patients or with a polyether material (Impregum Penta, 3M Italia, Milan, Italy) for single and partial restorations. Overall, 104 single crowns were delivered in 67 patients, 20 fixed partial dentures (FPDs) supported by two to three implants were deliv- ered in 16 patients and the remaining 16 patients received 19 full-arch restorations supported by two to six implants (Table 3). Definitive pros- theses were screwed on to 168 implants (71 single crowns, 11 FPDs and 13 full-arch resto- 74 Volume 3 | Issue 1/2017 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation

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