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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 1, 2017

K i n e s i o g r a p h i c a n a l y s i s Fig. 9 Figs. 10a & b a b Fig. 9 Decreasing the AFMP on the frontal plane tended to reduce the retrusion of the corresponding AFMO on the horizontal plane, correcting and regularizing the Posselt volume. Figs. 10a & b Bonwill’s triangle. masticatory side cannot exclude analysis of lat- eral excursion on the horizontal plane. In kine- siographic tracings of patients with dysfunction, the asymmetries of the AFMP and AFMO (and therefore of the Gothic arch and the Posselt volume) are largely the norm: Steeper laterality on the frontal plane will tend to have a retrusive tracing (absolute or relative to the contralateral side) on the horizontal plane. The back thrust of the working condyle in lateral retrusive tracings of will tend to be – directly proportional to the posteriorization of the interincisal tracing; – directly proportional to the length of the tracing— the more the lateral tracing has to express its posterior movement, the more the working condyle will tend to posteriorization (Fig. 10a); – inversely proportional to the vertical compo- nent of the movement: because the lateral excursion is expressed on the diferent spatial planes, the vertical component is as if it tended to stop the retrusive push of the work- ing condyle (Fig. 10b). A posterior AFMO (absolute or relative to the contralateral side) indicates a dificult, countered laterality and will tend to highlight the side with problematic masticatory function. Reducing the steeper inclination of the AFMP will tend to reduce the retrusion of the corresponding AFMO, regularizing the Gothic arch and the Posselt volume, and this will promote the res- toration of alternating unilateral mastication. Acting properly on the occlusal surfaces, we are able to influence the whole of the mandi bular dynamics by changing not only the movements related to occlusal guides, but also the mandi- bular movements in full, both in the amount of maximum openness, in their transverse width and in their inclination. Premature contacts or interferences that induce retrusion of the lateral excursion on the horizontal plane with posteriorization of the entry phase of the mas- ticatory cycle will tend to favor prevalent masti- cation on the contralateral side. With asymme- try correction of lateral excursion, we tend to decrease the condylar retrusion, expand and symmetrize the Gothic arch and the volume of Posselt, thus directing the masticatory func- tion to a physiological alternating unilateral mastication. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest regarding the materials used in the present study. 66 Volume 3 | Issue 1/2017 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation

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