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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 1, 2017

K i n e s i o g r a p h i c a n a l y s i s Fig. 5 Correspondence between a steep AFMP and a retrusive AFMO (always found to be < 1). Fig. 6 Asymmetric lateral excursion. Fig. 5 Fig. 6 between the AFMP and the AFMO. On the horizontal plane, the lateral retrusion formed an angle with the frontal plane that was given a negative value, and the angles formed by latero- protrusive tracings were given a positive value. On the horizontal plane in all of the 98 coherent paths, the relationship between the angle of the tracing corresponding to that steeper on the frontal plane and that corresponding to the less steep was always found to be < 1, showing the correspondence between a steep AFMP and a retrusive AFMO (Fig. 5). The average confirmed precisely precisely the correspondence between a steep AFMP and a retrusive AFMO: A1/B1 = - 0.589432199. Discussion and conclusion Planas in defining the AFMP emphasized the pattern of unilateral mastication.17 Predominantly unilateral mastication usually occurs when there is a side of the mouth in which the function can be performed with more ease and eficiency compared with the contralateral side (Fig. 6). Predominantly unilateral mastication tends to develop from the side with less steep laterality or with a smaller AFMP. The study of laterality with a Bioket kinesiograph has permitted to highlight also on the horizontal plane the asym- metry defined by Planas on the frontal plane: On the horizontal plane, the side with the less 64 Volume 3 | Issue 1/2017 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation

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