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Hygiene Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No.2, 2017

HYPERSENSITIVITY DUE TO TOOTH EROSION CAN BE GONE WITHIN SECONDS* WITH COLGATE ® SENSITIVE PRO-RELIEF™ TOOTHPASTE The risks that carbonated soft drinks, alcoholic mixers regular toothpaste‡ to sensitive teeth. Change in hyper- and wine pose to your patients’ teeth are well-known – sensitivity was assessed using air blast sensitivity increased consumption of acidic food and drinks can scores, where a lower score indicates better pain relief. lead to tooth erosion and hypersensitivity. Not only did Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ provide However, even your patients following a healthy life- instant relief of dentine hypersensitivity, both immedi- style may be at risk due to the acidic nature of fruit ately after direct application and after 3 days of use, juices and sports drinks.1 Hypersensitivity results when but it also provided superior pain relief when compared the tiny dentine channels directly linking to nerves in with the other toothpastes. the tooth become exposed and is associ- ated with pain and discomfort triggered by heat, cold or touch. Addressing hypersensitivity is crucial for providing relief to your patients. COLGATE ® SENSITIVE PRO-RELIEF™ TOOTH - PASTE TARGETS HYPERSENSITIVITY FOR FAST PAIN RELIEF* 2 The Pro-Argin™ Technology of Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste physi- cally seals dentine tubules with a plug that contains arginine, calcium carbon- ate and phosphate. The plug e‚ ectively reduces dentine fl uid fl ow reducing sen- sitivity and relieving pain in seconds.* 2, 3 INSTANT AIR BLAST SENSITIVITY RELIEF IN VIVO Air blast sensitivity score Ayad et al. 2009b, Mississauga, Canada f e i l e r y t i v i t i s n e S 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 * * * * *• *• Baseline Immediately 3 days Control with KNO3 and NaF Control 2 with MFP Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste * p < 0.05 compared to baseline • p < 0.05 compared to control COLGATE ® SENSITIVE PRO-RELIEF™ IS CLINICALLY PROVEN TO RELIEVE PAIN IN SECONDS * 2 In a double-blind, parallel group study, 120 patients patients su‚ ering from hypersensitivity due to acidic directly applied either Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ tooth erosion – clinically proven to treat hypersensitivity toothpaste, a regular desensitising toothpaste† or a and relieve pain fast.*2 Recommend Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ to your YOUR PARTNER IN ORAL HEALTH * When toothpaste is directly applied to each sensitive tooth for 60 seconds. † Containing 5% potassium nitrate and 1450 ppm fl uoride as sodium fl uoride. ‡ Containing 1450 ppm fl uoride as MFP. References: 1. Cummins D. J Clin Dent 2009; 20 (Spec Iss): 1 – 9 2. Ayad F et al. J Clin Dent 2009; 20 (Spec Iss): 115 – 122 3. Petrou I et al. J Clin Dent 2009; 20 (Spec Iss): 23 – 31

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