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SHOW PREVIEW science & practice Clear aligners: How has the technology evolved? Though still a relatively new orthodontic treatment modality, clear aligners have quickly become an increasingly popular alternative to fi xed appliances for tooth straightening, since they provide an aesthetically appealing and comfortable choice. However, the recent rapid advancements in aligner technology are yet to be recognised by many dentists, leading to a low adoption rate. This article will provide an introductory overview of aligner treatment and its development. (cid:132) Traditionally, malalignment has been corrected using fi xed orthodon- tic appliances. However, in 1999, Align Technology made its Invisalign system available for commercial pur- chase, altering the future path of or- thodontics. A clear aligner, Invisalign offered an effective alternative in orthodontic treatment, as its correct use can minimise the plaque build-up, gingival recession and infl ammation of soft tissue sometimes associated with fi xed appliances. Additionally, its complete lack of metal parts pre- sented an aesthetic advantage, and the ability to remove it at any time (especially relevant during eating) al- lowed Invisalign patients a level of comfort and hygiene care previously unmatched in orthodontic treatment. Through its recently introduced Invisalign Go system—a treatment programme aimed at guiding general dental practitioners through the pro- cess of identifying, planning and treating suitable cases using the aes- thetic tooth straightening solution— Align Technology has become en- trenched as the global market leader in clear aligners. Other companies have since recognised the value of AD aligner performance are not fully un- derstood and therefore the modality is either not adopted or provided.” technology These major advancements in clear aligner include the integration of much more sophis- ticated 3-D modelling software, able to customise each aligner to an in- dividual patient’s needs. “Clear align- ers have deeply changed orthodon- tics,” Agnieszka Dziedziul, Clear Aligners Department Manager for NimroDENTAL Orthodontic Solutions, told Dental Tribune Online. Estab- lished in 1991, NimroDENTAL is one of the largest orthodontic laborato- ries in the UK, using four different alignment systems in its work with dental practices. “When we started making clear aligners 15 years ago, we were limited to creating move- ments by hand on a plaster model,” said Dzie dziul. “Today, though, we use sophisticated software and the latest 3-D printers to create clear aligners that can correct the majority of mal- occlusions.” The lack of awareness of clear aligners’ benefi ts among dental prac- titioners has sometimes been at- tributed to a lack of scientifi c studies this therapy, though, and this in- creased focus has led to a rapid pro- gression in the sophistication of aligner modelling and manufactur- ing. Dr Les Joffe, Secretary of the Eu- ropean Aligner Society (EAS), the only international organisation in Eu- rope devoted to the promotion of edu- cation and research in aligner ther- apy, believes that these advancements have not yet been fully recognised by all dental practitioners. In an inter- view with Dental Tribune, Joffe said that dental professionals often pass judgment on the suitability of align- ers based on outdated information and technology. “There is a misunder- standing by many clinicians that aligner treatments are limited,” said Joffe. “Many clinicians base their view on the early stages of aligner de- velopment, from around 2001 to 2003. More than 15 years later, the huge strides that have been made in • Non-precious dental alloys on nickel-chrome base System KN and System NH • Non-precious dental alloys on cobalt-chrome base System NE and System Duro • Partial alloy System MG • CAD/CAM discs on cobalt-chrome base System NE-Blank and System Soft-Blank • CAD/CAM disc on titanium base System Ti5-Blank • Investment for crowns and bridges ADENTA-VEST CB 14 IDS Cologne 2017 • Investment for partial denture ADENTA-VEST PA hall 10. 2 . , boot h no. V029 Adentatec GmbH Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 13 50996 Koeln-GERMANY Phone + 49 2 21 - 35 96 - 100 Fax + 49 2 21 - 35 96 - 170

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