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today AEEDC Dubai 2017

n As a practising dental implantologist in southern England, Dr Kashif Hafeez regularly speaks on clinical governance and the concept of patient-centred care at congresses and seminars worldwide. In a lecture on Thursday as part of AEEDC 2017’s scientific programme, he will be discussing the various aspects of this approach. In this short inter- view, he explained the fundamentals and why he believes patient-centred care should be implemented in every practice. today international: While “patient- centred care” is a widely used term around the globe,there seems to be little understanding of what it actually entails. Could you explain the fundamentals of this concept in your opinion? Dr Kashif Hafeez: There is indeed an international trend towards adopt- ing a patient-centred approach and modern health care services are aiming to incorporate it in their policies. This approach refers to a system in which the patient is the focal point of practice and all the services health care profes- sionals provide. I call it the democracy of the health care system, which trans- lates to a system by the patients for the patients. The basic principle behind patient- centred care is that patients provide the maximum input to improve their state of health. It is a self-critical and self-correcting mechanism that will allow patients to have their say in the system through feedback, including surveys, questionnaires and com- plaints. The system analyses the feed- back data, learns from it, and makes changes to the policies and their every- day application. It is cyclical and keeps evolving. The system has to be open to criti- cal analysis and be prepared to make the desired changes. Audits are a fun- damental part of this system and these allow an organisation to evaluate itself against certain standards and set goals to improve further towards excellence. Education is a cornerstone of this approach, which allows health care professionals to learn new skills and techniques to improve patient treat- ment and provide them with the best care possible. In our practice, where we focus on implantology, we ensure that patients are the focal point of our services and pay special attention to their concerns. We understand that our primary aim is to address those concerns and allow patients to have the final say in our treatment plans. They are consulted through several appointments prior to treatment and given ample time to di- gest and understand the proposed treat- ment plan. With the help of mock-ups, patients are briefed about the final out- comes and assured that they are an in- tegral part of the dental treatment. What is the value of patient-centred care, and why should patients be gen- erally more involved in their treatment process? The value is that patients are an inherent part of their treatment. The journey of dental treatment with the patient sitting in the dental chair for hours after administration of dental an- science & practice TOUCH the business Meet more than 200 italian and foreign dental companies LEARN the profession 3 days of FREE training opportunities DIGITALIZE 3 days to get into the DIGITAL WORKFLOW LIVE the experience 3 days of business and leisure in a stunning location PERIENCE the dental future, now E AD “We need to establish patient-centred care in all practices” An interview with dentist and AEEDC presenter Dr Kashif Hafeez 5 Dr Kashif Hafeez

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