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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa No.1, 2017

40 Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | 1/2017 Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic Part II: CAPS & CLIMB ByDrAnnaMariaYiannikos, Germany&Cyprus After the last issue of laser interna- tional magazine of laser dentistry, we have begun a new journey with our brand new series ‘’Eleven tips to gain desirable success in our dental clinics’’. In this publication, we are going to continue exploring differ- ent parameters that can reinforce our success and professional devel- opment as dental practitioners. To- day I will share with you the knowl- edge I have gained within the past 25 years of managing and evolving my clinic so you can always be one stepaheadandavoidmistakesIhave madeinthepast. The third very important tip that I am going to share with you today in order to be and remain successful at your clinics is how to regain your power. We learn a lot of things during our studies in the dental schools. We learn how to make the best fillings with great contours and biocompat- ible materials; how to treat a tooth that needs a root canal therapy, but do we really learn anything on how to find the best employee that will make our life and daily routine eas- ier? Firstlyweshouldmakeajobanalysis by listing the CAPS of the candidate. If we do not take the time to com- plete this process, we will not know from the beginning exactly what we are looking at and by this we will in- crease the risk of making the wrong choice. If, for example, we go to the super- market without our shopping list, what will we end up doing? We will most probably buy unnecessary things or even forget the things that we went in the beginning there for. Mypointhereisthatwhenwedecide that we need to hire an employee we should know upfront what we are looking for, otherwise we might makemistakesthatwillcostusmon- eyandtime! Let’s have a look now what does CAPSstandfor: – Capacities: The mental and physi- cal abilities required to do the job. How smart and how strong (physi- cally capable) must the successful applicantbe? – Attitudes: such as customer ser- vice, orientation, team player, reli- ability,honesty,willingnesstofollow rules, problem-solving, loyalty, safe- ty-consciousness, ability to follow through—Imagine having a recep- tionist who, although she is doing thejobwithoutamistake,complains about everything all the time. Is that apersonthatyouwouldlovetohave aspartofyourteam? – Personality: traits such as com- petitiveness, assertiveness, attention todetailandsociability—Alsosearch whether the person will manage his or her personality to get the job done,sinceassocialscientistsdeclare about 60 per cent of our personality traitsareinheritedandmostofthem are set by age nine. In other words: personality can’t be taught and it doesn’tchangemuchovertime. – Skills: Expertise required to do the job—Skills are the easiest job re- quirements to identify. We could do that by asking the candidate to per- formcertaintests.Forexample,ifwe are trying to find a receptionist we could ask her to translate an article, orthroughroleplayingtocheckhow sherespondsincertainscenarios. Have always in mind the quote ‘we hire them for the skills but we fire themfortheirattitudes’! So finally we found our A-star em- ployees and now what do we have to doinordertokeepthem? The fourth very essential tip of to- day’s article that I would love to share with you is the different ways that we can use to retain our A-star employees. ApplyCLIMBtoretainyourteam! Now let’s explain a little what does exactly the acronym CLIMB stands for: – Challenge: Studies have shown that the main reason that our em- ployees resign is that they are dis- satisfied with their tasks. That’s why we should give them challenging duties to accomplish. And what will the result be? They will feel useful and they will find it difficult to leave from a job that offers them different anduniqueexperiences. – Loyalty: Be human with your em- ployeesanddonotbeafraidthatyou willloseyourpower.Showinterestin their problems and lay back in times that they cannot handle any more pressure. – Investment: Invest time and mon- eytothemsotheywillfeelappreciat- ed.DuringmylecturesIgetregularly thequestionthatwerewardthemby giving them bonus and still they are notmotivatedenough,whatshallwe do?Myanswerhereisthatyoumust renewyourrewardsystemregularly. Sometimes you can give them cash (as bonuses) or maybe you can offer them other kind of incentives, like buying them a free trip for vacation on Christmas, for example. Research has proven that the more powerful and effective incentives are the ones that are specific, tangible and non- cash. Alsopleaserememberto‘Rewardnot thebestinsalesbutthebest’Amajor mistake that we usually do is to only rewardtheonesthatbringmoneyto ourclinics.Insteadweshouldreward the best in our practices, the ones that are completing their tasks in excellence unconditionally to what thistaskis. – Measurement: Conduct a fair performance appraisal every six months. – Building: Demonstrate your com- mitment to them by showing them opportunities of career develop- ment. Duringthenextissuewewillanalyse two new tips that will reveal new op- portunitiesandpotentialofourden- tal clinics. Till then, remember that not only are you the dentist in your clinic, but you are also the manager andtheleader. You can always send me your ques- tions and request for more informa- tionandguidanceat: or via ourFacebookaccount. Looking forward to our next trip of business growth and educational de- velopment! DrAnnaMariaYian- nikos,Adjunct Faculty MemberofAALZat RWTH AachenUniversity Campus,Germany DDS,LSO,MSc,MBA Photograph:(Geralt/PixaBay) PRACTICE MANAGEMENT

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