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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa No.1, 2017

Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | 1/2017 20 GENERAL DENTISTRY to address the relationship of the various risk factors to Peri-Implant diseases and implant failure. In view of the rapid increase in the use of dental implants and the self-evident truth that the vast majority of im- plantpatientslostteethduetoCaries or Periodontal Disease, it is equally important that dental health care professionals appreciate the relative importance of the risk factors out- linedaboveonPeri-implantdiseases. In a very recent extensive retrospec- tive study Derks et al (18) identify moderate to severe peri-implantitis in 14.5% of implant patients exam- ined, and report on the Odds Ratios of the various influencing factors. In a commentary on this study Tarnow (19) points out that even a modest incidence of 10% of patients with Peri-implantitis equates to 100000 new cases of Peri-implantis every year based on current numbers of implants being placed. It might be appropriate to consider this in a fu- turereviewarticle. Conclusions Our understanding of the relative importanceofthevariousmajorrisk factors for Caries and Periodontal diseases should be evidence based and current. At present it is reason- abletoconcludethefollowing: 1. Recent research has indicated that the total amount of sugar consump- tion is more important than the number of sugar exposures per day inthedevelopmentofcoronalcaries. 2. There is little to support the use of dental floss as a preventive measure fordentalcariesorgingivitis. 3. Effective toothbrushing, using a fluoride toothpaste and a power brush, is by far the most effective preventive measure to minimize dental caries and periodontal dis- eases. 4. To minimize the incidence of root caries in the elderly oral hygiene must be supplemented with peri- odicapplicationofafluorideorChlo- rhexidinepreparation. 5. While oral hygiene is important in controlling Periodontitis in the susceptiblepatient,compliancewith a comprehensive Supportive Peri- odontalMaintenanceRecallregimen is likely even more critical in pre- venting progression and tooth loss duetoPeriodontitis. 6. To achieve the best outcomes in periodontally susceptible patients who smoke, smoking cessation pro- grammes must accompany tradi- tional“Hygiene”phasetherapy. 7. To achieve the best outcomes in diabetic patients with Periodontitis the dental professional must work closely with the medical clinician re- sponsiblefordiabetescare.Improve- ments in one disease are likely to be complimented by improvements in theother. 8. When assessing the relevance of clinical research more credence should be given to longer term stud- ies measuring REAL outcomes than shorter term studies which use SUR- ROGATEoutcomes. References 1. 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Wennström JL Tomasi C Berglundh T. Effectiveness of Implant Therapy Analyzed in a Swedish Population - Prevalence of Peri-implantitis J Dent Res(2016).95(1)43-49 19.D.P.TarnowIncreasingPrevalence of Peri-implantitis: How Will We Manage? J Dent Res January (2016) 95(1):7-8 ◊Page18 Prof.CrawfordBain, ScotlandisaProfessor ofPeriodontology, DirectorofPost-Grad- uatePeriodontics, HamdanBinMoham- medCollegeofDental MedicineMohammedBinRashidUniver- sityofMedicineandHealthSciences GDCSpecialist List inPeriodontics,Pros- thodonticsandRestorativeDentistry.

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