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CAD/CAM international C.E. magazine of digital dentistry North America Edition, No. 3, 2016

CAD/CAM 3_2016 I 03 editorial _ CAD/CAM I Embrace the change — your patients and your practice will thank you for it! Clint D. Stevens, DDS Whenthe“horselesscarriage”wasintroducedtothegeneralpublicinthe1800s,theviewofthemajor- ity was that the horse and buggy would never be replaced. As the Industrial Revolution progressed, the modern automobile proved the “nay-sayers” wrong, as we’re all aware! In today’s Digital Revolution, we see similar resistance to digitization in dentistry: “Dental educators and practicing dentists have, at times, been slow to respond to advances in dental materials and techniques. Operative dentistry, in particular, has often been influenced more by history and tradition than by science.”  Many dentists continue to be hesitant regarding digital impression systems and the use of CAD/CAM technology,inspiteofsubstantialresearch,literatureandempiricalclinicalsuccesssupportingitsefficacy, accuracyandcost-effectiveness.Meanwhile,ourcontinuedrelianceonfull-coveragerestorationsasthe go-to treatment option for treating damaged and/or diseased teeth is antiquated, given the significant advances made in dental adhesion and restorative materials. While it’s understandable why we got stuck in these paradigms, it’s high time we work on chang- ing them. I think we can all agree that we want restorative treatment to be predictable, long lasting and able to meet patient expectations while avoiding creating bigger problems for patients in the future. To best achieve these goals, we should be doing adhesive dentistry, and we should be doing it digitally.  Digital impressioning gives clinicians accuracy and a much better view of their preparation than they wouldeverhaveotherwise,resultinginoneofthemostcriticalfactorsforlong-termrestorativesuccess: a quality preparation. Utilizing digital workflows and chairside CAD/CAM significantly shortens treat- ment completion times, as well as minimizes and in many cases eliminates complications because of provisionalization.   As you’ll see in this edition of CAD/CAM, digital workflows are ever expanding and constantly im- proving yet, at the same time, simplifying the delivery of the highest quality care for our patients. While implementing these changes in your practice can be a daunting proposition, you’ll see that implementa- tion has never been easier, and there has never been a better time to go digital in dentistry. I encourage you to embrace the change and help lead our profession into a new era!  — Clint D. Stevens, DDS

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