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laser - international magazine of laser dentistry No. 4, 2016

35 4 2016 laser practice management | Having lasers in the dental practice with their added advantages certainly decreases the perception of pain to a large extent. Patients are no longer afraid to sit in the chair and receive the care they need. This helps decreasing the number of missed appoint- ments. Increased new patient volume Satisfied patients add a lot to any practice. Den- tal lasers give dentists the opportunity to increase new patient referrals because of the unique expe- rience ­ lasers enable for existing patients. Patients feelsopositivelymotivatedthattheytalkabouttheir ­ experience to family and friends, thereby spreading the name of practice by word of mouth. More referrals Being unique projects the practice as a cut above therest.Thishelpsincreasingthereferralsfromother practicesandalsofromcolleaguesinthesameprac- tice. When the practice comes to be known as laser specialty practice, it becomes a known referral base for specific procedures and also for those who are technology-friendly.6 New procedures Laser equips the dentist to perform a wide variety of procedures that could not be handled otherwise. The lack of anaesthesia, blood, sutures and minimal post-operative discomfort enables dentists to per- form procedures such as labial and lingual frenecto- mies, fibroma removals to exposures, crown length- ening and much more. New procedures get added to a dentist’s repertoire that would previously have been referred out or untreated. Many of these pro- cedures can be performed during the same visit; thereby, ­ increasing revenue growth without having to add a ­second appointment. Conclusion There has been a long road between the times when lasers were taken as the adjunct only for high end practices and procedures, to the current times, where laser is used as a regular armamentarium. In theworldofmarketing,lasershavebroughtdentistry to Blue Ocean. The frequent use of a laser by offices has resulted in a higher level of patient comfort, in- creased case acceptance for routine care, larger cases, and improved doctor productivity.7 Following the principles of the Blue Ocean Strat- egy, practices that offer compassionate care using advanced technologies such as lasers will be the of- fices that experience the largest influx of new pa- tients in the future._ Kurz & bündig Patient und Behandler profitieren gleichermaßen von den positiven Eigenschaften einer Lasertherapie, auch wenn der Laser in der Anschaffung teuer und die Behandlung für den Patienten mit höheren Kosten verbunden ist. Umso wichtiger ist es daher, den Patienten umfassend über die Notwendigkeit und die Vorteile einer Laserbehandlung zu informieren. Hier hilft ein gut durchdachtes Marketing-Konzept. Im Artikel stellt die Autorin die Blue-Ocean-Strategie vor. Diese soll Unternehmen dazu anregen, gewohntes Terrain zu verlassen und neue, innovative Wege in der Vermarktung ihrer Leistungen zu gehen. Der Dentallaser lässt sich da- bei gut mit den Prinzipien der Blue-Ocean-Strategie verbinden. Für ein gewinnbringendes Laser-Marketing sind dabei vor allem drei Aspekte wichtig: die Herausstellung der Effizienz einer Lasertherapie, die verkürzte Behandlungszeit sowie das verbesserte Patientenerlebnis. Diese drei Aspekte lassen sich weiter ausbauen und anhand von Fakten belegen. Über verschiedenste Kanäle wie soziale Medien und Werbung in Radio oder TV werden die Informationen an den Patienten herangetragen. Unter Verwendung der Blue-Ocean-Strategie werden Zahnarztpraxen, die fortschrittli- che Technologien wie den Laser in ihrem Praxisalltag selbstverständlich einsetzen, in Zukunft den größten Zulauf an Patienten haben. contact Dr Imneet Madan Specialist Pediatric Dentist MSc Lasers Dentistry (Germany) MDS Pediatric Dentistry MBA (Hospital Management) Children’s Dental Center, Dubai Villa 1020 Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 1, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel.: +971 506823462 Literature Author details 42016 Tel.: +971506823462

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