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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition No. 10, 2016

16 Cosmetic Tribune United Kingdom Edition | 10/2016 COSMETIC NEWS “Make everything about tooth whitening predictable” An interview with Dr Payman Langroudi, head of Enlighten Smiles Enlighten Smiles is one of the UK’s most trusted tooth whitening brands. With guaranteed results and a strong marketing system, as well as its own laboratory that helps develop consistent products and its exclusive Centres of Excellence programme, the company aims to be the ideal partner for every dental business wishing to expand its port- folio. Dental Tribune spoke Enlighten Smiles head Dr Payman Langroudi him briefly about changing percep- tions with regard to tooth whitening and where his concept fits in. Dental Tribune: Dr Payman, how would you describe the philosophy behind the Enlighten system? Dr Payman Langroudi: It is not only the product we are presenting, but also the marketing service that we are offering to increase perfor- mance of every individual practice. Considerthat,intheWesternworld, 80 per cent of people desire a whiter smile, but the average den- tist only performs one whitening per month. There is a complete dis- connect. Dentists do not want to be seen as chasing sales or being pushy and therefore it is necessary to change the mindset completely. If one goes to McDonald’s, for ex- ample, the staff ask whether one wants fries with one’s order and it is considered a normal thing. So, what we would like to see is it be- coming usual to ask every patient about the colour of his or her teeth. Changing the mindset of both the public and dental professionals is what we are working on with this system. Does this philosophy apply to educa- tion too? Tooth whitening is still not taught in any of the universities in the UK and often what students learnindentalschoolsisoutofdate anyway. In a way, this is a problem, but also offers opportunities for us to educate dental professionals. By ensuring that the entire dental team knows how the product works and the side-effects that patients might experience, one can provide a well-rounded service to patients when they come into the practice with questions, for example. Cosmetic dentistry now seems— and the President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry spoke about this development this morning—to be an integral part of general dentistry. Where does tooth whitening fit into this picture, in your opinion? Tooth whitening is the founda- tion and the first thing patients do before they do anything else. These dentists here want to make a differ- ence for their patients and this can be in terms of either pain or beauty. While beauty sounds very super- ficial—and in many ways it is— they can make a difference to pa- tients in a very predictable manner. What we are trying to do is to make everything about tooth whitening predictable. Thank you very much for the inter- view. The Dental Tribune International Magazines Shipping Address Name Address Zip Code, City Country E-mail Date, Signature PayPal Credit Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date Security Code CAD/CAM Clinical Masters* cosmetic dentistry* implants laser ortho** roots Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation*** EUR 44 per year (4 issues per year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and EUR 46 per year (4 issues per year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany). * EUR 12 per year (1 issue per year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and EUR 14 per year (1 issue per year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany). ** EUR 22 per year (2 issues per year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and EUR 23 per year (2 issues per year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany). *** EUR 200 per year (4 issues per year; incl. shipping and VAT). Your subscription will be renewed automatically every year until a written cancellation is sent to Dental Tribune International GmbH, Holbeinstr. 29, 04229 Leipzig, Germany, six weeks prior to the renewal date. I would like to subscribe to F +49 341 48474 173 SUBSCRIBE NOW! AD F +4934148474173

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