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today Greater New York Dental Meeting Nov. 30, 2016

exhibitors 26 Greater New York Dental Meeting — Nov. 30, 2016 By Glidewell Staff n The Misch International Implant Institute recently introduced its acclaimed surgical training program at the Glidewell International Tech- nology Center. Continuing the partnership that began earlier this year when the Hahn™ Tapered Implant was named the Misch Institute’s official dental implant system, the inaugural ses- sion featured lectures by Drs. Carl Misch and Randolph Resnik, a live surgical demonstration by Dr. Jack Hahn and the interactive hands-on training for which the institute has become known. Since its inception in 1984, the Misch Institute has been at the lead- ing edge of education in implant dentistry, training more than 10,000 dentists to surgically place implants through its one-year continuum. Renowned practitioner, textbook author and Misch Institute founder Dr. Carl Misch noted: “Jim Glidewell’s vision and passion for education and elevating the standard of care is closely aligned with mine and our entire faculty, and his world-class educationfacilityisanidealvenuefor our courses.” Industry-leadingdentallaboratory and device manufacturer Glidewell Laboratories launched the Hahn Tapered Implant in 2015 in coop- eration with practitioner and implant design innovator Dr. Jack Hahn, who taught courses during the formative years of the Misch Institute. “I am thrilled to rejoin the Misch Institute as a faculty member,” said Hahn, during the inaugural session. “As someone with the utmost respect for what the institute has done to improve the quality and availability of implant dentistry, I am honored thattheyhavechosenmyimplantsys- tem for their unrivaled practitioner education programs.” Resnik, the Misch Institute’s sur- gical director and chief of staff, was pleased with the program’s launch. “Our first course at the Glidewell International Technology Center was truly amazing,” he said. “The center’s state-of-the-art lecture facility, surgi- cal suite for live demonstrations, and educationallaboratoriesforhands-on training allowed the Misch Institute to provide attendees with a compre- hensive learning experience.” The Misch Institute’s progressive, hands-on approach to education is exactly what Glidewell Laboratories President and CEO Jim Glidewell had in mind when he built the Glidewell International Technology Center. “We are privileged and honored to share a partnership in implant educa- tionwiththeMischInstitute,”hesaid. “Our goal has always been to expand patient access to high-quality care and, in the world of implant therapy, no one has contributed more to that effort than the Misch Institute.” While the initial program served as an introduction to patient evalua- tion, treatment planning and implant placement, future sessions will explore the full range of surgical andprosthetictechniques,considera- tions and treatment protocols. For more information on Misch Institute course offerings, visit or call (248) 642-3199. Additional information on the Hahn TaperedImplantcanbefoundbyvisit- ing or calling (800) 407-3379. Misch Institute brings implant program to Glidewell International Technology Center 5 Drs. Vivian Roknian and Jack Hahn assist practitioners during the hands-on por- tion of the first Misch Institute course held at the Glidewell International Technol- ogy Center. (Photos/Provided by Glidewell) 5 Drs. Jack Hahn and Carl Misch answer questions during the lecture portion of the initial surgical session, which focuses on implant diagnosis, treatment planning and placement utilizing the Hahn Tapered Implant System. Here in New York TolearnmoreabouttheGlidewell’scol- laboration with the Misch Internatioal ImplantInstitute,stopbytheGlidewell Laboratories booth, No. 4334.

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