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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

26 3_2016 implants 26 implants_terapie implantoprotetyczne Dariusz Grzęda Gabinet Stomatologiczny Ul. Wolności 62c, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski Kontakt: E-mail: Tomasz Grotowski Szkoła Implantologii Małoinwazyjnej Ul. Korony Północnej 13a, 71-771 Szczecin Kontakt: E-mail: _autorzy Piśmiennictwo: 1. Harris HL. Effect of loss of vertical Dimension on the anato- mic structures of the head and neck. Jam Den A, 1938,25. 2. Mongli F. Anatomical and clinical evaluation of the relation- ship between the temporomandibular joint and occlusion. J Prosthet Dent, 1977,38. 3. Harper RP, Misch CE. Clinical indication for altering vertical dimension of occlusion. Quintessence Int. 2000,31(4). 4. Dal Carlo L i wsp.Tecnica auriga per riabilitazione dell intera arcata superire mediante saldatura di impianti post estratti- vi immediati ad impianti precedentemente inseriti nei sttori posteriori. Doctor OS, 2015,11. 5. Martinez M i wsp. Prevalente of TMJ clicking in subjects with missing posterior teeth. 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