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Ortho Tribune U.S. Edition No.2, 2016

industry Ortho Tribune U.S. Edition | AAO REVIEW 2016 10 Highland Metals launches into cosmetic orthodontic market with tooth-colored wires By Highland Metals Staff H ighland Metals® re- cently announced the worldwide release of its new esthetic wire. The new arch wire features tooth-colored, epoxy coating and is available in Highland Metals’ Super Elastic NiTi and regular stainless-steel archwires. Highland Metals’ new cosmetic orth- odontic wires go through a proprietary process to coat the wires in a tooth- colored, epoxy solution, which creates the most durable tooth-colored finish in the industry, according to the com- pany. The epoxy coating adds .002-inch in thickness to the wire dimensions, e.g., .016-inch coated has a .014-inch base wire with .014-inch applied forces. The tooth-colored wires are available in multipacks of round or rectangular natu- ral arch forms. “In celebration of our product launch into cosmetic orthodontic archwires, we have up to 25 percent off special volume discounts that can be applied to orders based on quantity purchased,” said High- land Metals’ Marketing Manager Heidi Helms. Highland Metals continues to develop great wires that can be offered at a great price, the company asserts. About Highland Metals Inc. For more than 28 years, Highland Met- als has been providing orthodontists with high-quality wires at great prices. All the company’s products are proudly manufactured in the United States. High- land Metals is a privately held company headquartered in Franklin, Ind. For more information, visit www.highlandmetals. com. New arch wire from Highland Metals featuring tooth-colored epoxy coating. Photo/Provided by Highland Metals ment options for TMJ disorder. This is one area of the profession where tertiary edu- cation is lacking, with many academics considering it too complex an issue. Ad- ditionally, in order to avoid acknowledg- ing the detrimental effects mandibular advancement devices (MADs) have on the occlusion and TMJ, many sleep dentistry practitioners make no mention of the TMJ during diagnosis. Screening for TMJ disorder is made easy when the patients use a visual index to pinpoint to the practitioner what symp- toms they are experiencing. This has the potential to identify a vast number of pa- tients who have TMJ disorder, and because it is easily treatable in adults and more severe issues can be avoided by treating early in childhood, existing patients can be offered solutions for issues that were previously unidentified. In addition to recognizing a potential new source of income, that already ex- ists in every practice, identifying these patients then developing an effective, evidence-based treatment plan provides them with a great service. Unfortunately for many dentists today, it is easytobemoanalackofpatientswhile taking little action, except spending hard- earned income on advertising while offer- ing the same service as colleagues. How- ever, for progressive dental practitioners who are focused on succeeding in a com- petitive market, the ability to effectively screen existing as well as new patients for SDB or TMJ disorder provides a means of differentiating from competitors. Furthermore, by packaging habit cor- rection, arch expansion, airway correction and dental alignment into cohesive treat- ments, Myobrace® and myOSA® systems, available from Myofunctional Research Co. (MRC), are able to address the aetiologi- cal factors interfering with craniofacial growth and causing malocclusion as well as SDB and TMJ. These systems, which were developed during the last 25 years, use a structured approach that integrates patient consultation, evaluation, diagno- “ MRC, Page 8 sis, treatment, education, clinical manage- ment and health goals, can enable dental professionals to treat more children earlier than previously possible, increase patient flow, diversify treatment by offering so- lutions for SDB and improve practice ef- ficiency. In addition to providing financial ben- efit by enabling the practitioner to deliver high-quality biologically based treat- ments at a low cost, MRC’s systems provide a means of meeting an increasing demand for early orthodontic treatment. Once potential patients have been iden- tified through the screening methods out- lined above, MRC’s myofunctional treat- ment systems are easily implemented into the practice. The treatment process begins with evaluation, education and treatment planning, which is completed via a series of optimized stages. Implementing the Myobrace and myOSA systems into your practice • Parent/patient education: The first con- sultation with parent/patient begins with MRC’s intuitively guided patient educa- tion presentation. This explains the causes of upper airway and neuromuscular dys- function leading to SDB, malocclusion and TMJ disorder in children as well as adults. The presentation outlines to the parent/ patient how myofunctional treatment is not just another means of straighten- ing teeth or habit correction; rather, it is a complete treatment modality aimed at improving their overall health and devel- opment. • Evaluation: As part of the first con- sultation with the parent/patient, a Myo- functional Orthodontic Evaluation (MOE) identifies areas that require focus (i.e., breathing dysfunction, incorrect myo- functional habits or nutrition). The pa- tient’s myofunctional habits should be analysed to provide context for the evalu- ation of the malocclusion, SDB and TMJ disorder. • Record taking: In preparation of the case presentation and treatment plan, intra- and extra-oral photographsarethen taken along with impressions for study models. Additional videos of the patient’s function can be taken using a video cam- era or mobile tablet. Patients are referred for an OPG and ceph X-rays as required, TMJ disorder screening (visual representation only, not actual screening form). ensuring parent consent is recorded in the case notes. • Case presentation: Through the use of visual aids the parent/patient is provided with a clear understanding of the issue as well as the proposed corrective action. The patient’s photographic records should be displayed on a monitor, utilising the pa- tient education presentation as a support tool to help explain treatment parameters. Treatment options and referrals are also discussed and in some cases, a referral to another health specialist may be required, which offers the opportunity for collabo- ration with other health professionals. • The treatment plan: This makes up part of the case presentation and confirms in writing: the patient’s evaluation, estab- lished health goals, proposed treatment, including approximate timing and fee structure. Once the parent or patient has accept- ed the treatment plan, an appointment is scheduled and treatment using the Myobrace or myOSA system can begin. Treatment involves the use of a series of intra-oral myofunctional appliances, spe- cifically designed to re-train the oral mus- culature, develop the arch-form and align the teeth. In combination with the appli- ances, the fully automated patient educa- tion and activity program, the Myobrace Activities™ app, is an integral part of the treatment system. A changing professional landscape as well as a new focus on evidence-based bio- logically focused treatment means that, for practitioners still reliant on the me- chanical excellence of the past, profitabili- ty is diminishing. However, the good news for forward-thinking dental professionals focused on 21st-century, evidence-based dental and health care, the opportunity to improve their patient’s health and well- being as well as operate a profitable prac- tice is available. To learn more about MRC’s patient education programs and to begin im- plementing the Myobrace and myOSA myofunctional treatment systems into your practice, visit the courses section at

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