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CAD/CAM international magazine of digital dentistry No. 3, 2016

| ce article fixed and removable implant restorations 30 CAD/CAM 3 2016 The appropriate retentive inserts, which are avail- ableinavarietyofstrengthsdependingonthefunc- tional capabilities of the patient and the number of implants, were swapped into the metal housings (Fig. 25). The implant overdenture was reseated, providingexcellentretention,stabilityandfunction for the patient. With the final mandibular restoration in place, the patient wore the provisional full-arch implant pros- thesis for a trial period of two weeks (Fig. 26). This opportunitytoweartheapplianceduringactualday- to-dayfunctioninstilledahighdegreeofconfidence in the prosthetic design for the patient and doctor alike.Followingpatientapproval,theprovisionalim- plant prosthesis was returned to the lab so it could serveastheblueprintforthefinalrestorationandthe minor adjustments made to the appliance could be included in the definitive prosthetic design. The final BruxZir Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis was digitally fabricated with precision (Fig. 27). As an Fig. 20a Fig. 20b Fig. 23a Fig. 23b Fig. 22a Fig. 22b Figs. 20a & b: The provisional implant prosthesis was milled and seated on the master cast to verify a proper fit as well as the interocclusal relationship with the opposing implant overdenture. Figs. 21a & b: After seating the final lower implant overdenture, the maxillary provisional implant prosthesis was tried in to verify fit, form and function. Figs. 22a & b: The interocclusal relationship was verified with the final lower and provisional upper appliances in place. Figs. 23a & b: The metal housings of the overdenture caps were seated over the Locator attachments. Fig. 21a Fig. 21b 32016

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