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today EAO Paris Sep. 30 & Oct. 1, 2016

Precision guidance for increased accuracy within 0.5mm of treatment plan* (DV\WRXVHUHGXFLQJWLPHDQGH[SHQVHZLWKDVLPSOLÀHGZRUNÁRZ Provides even greater value from your CBCT data (QDEOHVPLQLPDOO\LQYDVLYHÁDSOHVVGULOOLQJZLWKRXWDSK\VLFDOJXLGH See for yourself how freehanded guided surgery aids more accurate implant placement. Navident WUDFNVWKHGULOODQGWKHSDWLHQW·VMDZSURYLGLQJUHDOWLPHWDFWLOHJXLGDQFHDQGYLVXDOIHHGEDFN Try Navident’s precision guidance for yourself. Call +32.475.75.52.26 or email Visit us at Booth S14 at EAO Congress “In contrast to surgical guides, Navident provides me with much more information during surgery, which allows me to place implants in a quicker, safer and more enjoyable way.” Dr. Luigi Vito Stefanelli, DDS Rome, Italy *Average error of 0.4mm in internal bench tests with a range of operating conditions. Dynamic navigation for freehanded dental implant placement Targeting Perfection Compatible with any implant type, drill system and all CBCTs currently on the market Tailor-made courses to learn about dynamic surgical navigation and the impact this state-of-the-art technology has on your daily practice - Community of top experts in implant dentistry - Providing continuing courses and training worldwide &HUWLÀFDWLRQIRUWKLUGSDUW\LQLWLDWLYHVDYDLODEOH Contact for more info
