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today EAO Paris Sep. 28

business 25th EAO Annual Scientific Meeting 28 „ Working at a practice focused on comprehensive restorative, implant and aesthetic dentistry, Dr Alan Ju- rim from Nassau County in the US uses various digital and CAD/CAM technologies on a daily basis. In this interview, he speaks about his expe- riences with Implant Studio from 3Shape and the difference it has made to his work. Today International: How has 3Shape Implant Studio changed the way you work? Dr Alan Jurim: The advantage of 3Shape Implant Studio is that prior to surgery we are able to identify and digitally plan restorations based on the most efficient and simplest work- flow. For example, in a case in which we need to extract tooth #11, the ideal workflow would be to remove the tooth virtually using software, and that is now possible because of Im- plant Studio. We can then go ahead and plan the single-tooth implant in Implant Studio. For example, in this case, because I have the CBCT data detailing the patient’s skull, I can have a custom healing abutment made that mimics the exact root form anatomy of the tooth. In this way, I am able to maintain the same tissue support after the sur- gery and avoid any tissue collapse or variation during healing. This is very exciting, because we are now able to maintain as much of the healthy tis- sue for more predictable and im- proved final aesthetics. Was this possible before CAD/CAM? Even though parts of conven- tional implant planning protocols used CAD/CAM technology, the differ- ence between now and then is huge. The workflow used to go back and forth from digital to analogue, and a great deal of the resolution and data consistency was lost that way, com- promising precision and accuracy. Implant Studio enables inclu- sion of the patient’s skull data in our treatment planning. We now stay digital and our data remains consist- ent. When we have the information obtained from the intra-oral and CBCT scans available during plan- ning and designing, the restorative process is transformed, rendering it more comprehensive from start to finish. Another tremendous advantage is Implant Studio’s integration with 3Shape’s Dental System CAD soft- ware. There is no need to ship models back and forth between dentist and laboratory. As a clinician, I want to know that, when I do my tooth set-up, I can accurately maintain the aesthet- ics and vertical dimension so that vertical position I established stays consistent at each step of planning and treatment. That is why 3Shape is so important: it allows us to integrate all of that into one software package. The final key to that package is Im- plant Studio. Why are some dentists still hesitant about going digital? Having experienced the simplic- ity of TRIOS technology first hand, I can tell you that more dentists should be using it. Technology has in- filtrated every aspect of our day-to- day lives, to the point at which it is rare not to depend on a computer for assistance. There are just so many ad- vantages to using digital solutions like Implant Studio to improve one’s work. It is not just because one has the technology and should use it, but because it truly improves one’s den- tistry. It really is a new form of den- tistry—and it is fun! A new form of dentistry—and it is fun! An interview with Dr Alan Jurim, integratedDENTAL, US „ Introduced in May at the third MIS Global Conference, held in Bar- celona in Spain, VCONCEPT is a ho- listic approach intended to provide clinicians with all the tools neces- sary for a successful and complete rehabilitation process. The innova- tive V3 implant and the advanced prosthetic system, resulting in a greater volume of bone and soft tis- sue, delivered a clear message of in- novation, aesthetics and simplicity. The V3 provides clinicians with a better starting point. The unique triangular shape of the coronal part of the implant reduces the amount of titanium and allows more room for bone growth. The compression-free gaps at the top portion of the V3 pro- vide a reservoir for blood pooling and the formation of blood clots, which leads to enhanced bone growth at the crestal area around the implant, according to MIS Im- plants Technologies. A consistent concave emergence profile, which more closely resem- bles natural contours, of all pros- thetic components allows for a more efficient restorative procedure and the gain of extra soft-tissue volume for more favourable aesthetic re- sults. Dentists can utilise all the im- pressive VCONCEPT benefits of greater bone and soft-tissue volume without having to learn new proto- cols or procedures. In addition, a ded- icated V3 surgical kit makes proce- dures especially simple, safe and ac- curate. Simplicity is a driving force for all innovations by MIS. An excerpt from the VCONCEPT video shown in Barcelona emphasises MIS’s view re- garding following nature: “There’s no need to change nature, its perfect just the way it is. We need to become part of it and learn from it. When we rid ourselves of our preconceptions, we reshape our mindset. We make room for more nature, which is to our advantage.” Expanding on the V3 and its groundbreaking qualities, MIS CEO Idan Kleifeld said: “We would like to be the most innovative dental im- plant company in the world.” MIS Implants Technologies, Israel Booth P1 MIS SHOWCASES INNOVATIVE VCONCEPT

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