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today EAO Paris Sep. 28

business 25th EAO Annual Scientific Meeting 26 „ Since dental implants have be- come a mainstream treatment op- tion, clinicians face ever-increasing patient expectations. Nowadays, pa- tients expect successful treatment results irrespective of their bone quality, age, lifestyle, or medical his- tory. For over six decades, Straumann has made significant contributions to the progressing field of dental im- plants. Through pioneering innova- tion, the company has redefined the boundaries of clinical possibilities for both dental professionals and pa- tients. Ten years ago, Straumann pio- neered accelerated osseointegration with Straumann SLActive, reducing the healing period down to 3–4 weeks in all indications.1 This innova- tion made faster treatment, shorter healing time, and better outcomes a reality. Achieving predictable treatment outcomes has been the main focus of the SLActive clinical development strategy ever since. Together with leading clinicians worldwide, Strau- mann has studied the clinical perfor- mance of SLActive implants under the most challenging medical condi- tions and treatment protocols to demonstrate the outstanding healing capacity of the SLActive surface. As new insights emerge and new data becomes available,2,3 clinicians can discover how they can benefit from the truly phenomenal perfor- mance of SLActive to maximise their patients’ healing capabilities. At- tendees of this year’s annual scien- tific congress of The EAO are invited to discover the brand NEW SLActive data that shows incredible perfor- mance in the most challenging con- ditions. Straumann, Switzerland Booth D4 1 Straumann SLActive implants compared to Strau- mann SLA implants. Lang NP, Salvi GE, Huynh-Ba G, Ivanovski S, Donos N, Bosshardt DD. Early os- seointegration to hy¬drophilic and hydrophobic implant surfaces in humans. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Apr;22(4):349-56. doi: 10.1111/j.1600- 0501.2011.02172.x. 2 Nicolau P, Guerra F, Reis R, Krafft T, Benz K , Jack- owski J 10-year results from a randomized controlled multicenter study with immediately and early load- ed SLActive implants in posterior jaws. Accepted for oral presentation at 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Association of Osseointegration – 29 Sep – 1 Oct 2016, Paris. 3 Patients treated with dental implants after surgery and radio-chemotherapy of oral cancer. Heberer S, Kilic S, Hossamo J, Raguse J-D, Nelson K. Rehabili- tation of irradiated patients with modified and con- ventional sandblasted, acid-etched implants: prelim- i¬nary results of a split-mouth study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22, 2011; 546–551. STRAUMANN TO OFFER NEW INSIGHTS INTO SLACTIVE „ Owing to its minimally in- vasive approach, piezoelec- tric surgery has gained in- creasing acceptance in vari- ous pre-implant surgical pro- cedures. The benefits of ultrasonic power have been widely proven and demon- strated. It’s use is highly pre- cise and safe selective, offers minimal bone loss, optimal visibility as well as superior healing with reduced post-op- erative pain for better com- fort for both patient and prac- titioner. Specially designed to meet everyone’s goal of im- proving patient care, the ACTEON ImplantCenter 2 sur- gical unit was developed as a highly reliable tool whose un- matched performance com- bined with clinical expertise paves the way for faster, more precise, and painless pre-im- plant surgeries. The combina- tion of the most advanced ul- trasonic and rotating technologies provides total independence in in- creasingly diverse clinical areas. According to the manufacturer Acteon, the ImplantCenter 2 repre- sents the perfect combination of safety and speed. All surgical appli- cations, ranging from implantology to periodontal treatment, can be cov- ered with this one single unit. Its el- egant design, LED handpieces and large user-friendly touch-sensitive screen make it the ideal device dedi- cated to bone surgery, the company said. The exclusive and patented NEWTRON technology allows more preservation og tissue with minimal bone loss. It is non-active on soft tis- sue, limiting the risk of tissue le- sions. Frequency adjustment and power regulation offer maximal per- formances and effortless cut ad- justed to the resistance met by the tip. The irrigation flow rate manages by the peristaltic water pump can be precisely controlled to cool down the site to prevent intraosseous tempera- ture rise and bone necrosis. The ImplantCenter 2 also opti- mises the visibility on the surgical field thanks to the ultra-powerful white light for better distinction of the tissues. Clinicians can choose be- tween three modes (Piezotome for pre-implant surgery, I-SURGE im- plantology motor and NEWTRON for all conventional treatments) depend- ing on the treatment. Each mode can be customised in terms of ultrasonic power, speed ro- tation, contra-angle, irriga- tion, torque and saved. The Piezotome mode fa- cilitates and improves the safety of delicate pre-im- plant surgical procedures. Thanks to the ultrasonic frequencies (28–36 kHz), ImplantCenter 2 works se- lectively on hard tissue without adversely affecting soft tissue and surrounding anatomical areas such as blood vessels and nerves. The modulated piezo signal (alternation between high and low amplitudes of sig- nal) allows tissue relaxa- tion and excellent cell repair for a clean cut and better healing. The six ceramic rings of the Piezotome LED handpiece significantly boost the power of the generator for fast interventions but at the same time limit the risk of soft tissue lesion. The innovative Piezotome tips are specially designed to suit the dif- ferent clinical procedures and ana- tomical situations encountered in pre-implant practice. This wide range is supposed to help the practi- tioner to perform fine osteotomy, os- teoplasty, sinus elevation (lateral and crestal), ridge expansion, extrac- tion, Piezocision (surgical orthodon- tic treatment). The NEWTRON mode, intended for conventional treatment, allows the use of the widest range of tips on the market, suitable for periodontal treatment, implant maintenance, prophylaxis, endodontics and surgi- cal endodontics, as well as conserva- tive and restorative dentistry. The I-SURGE rotating mode convinces with its unsurpassed con- stant torque and steady high-perfor- mance, even in lower revolution ranges. This motor provides a wide range from 100 to 40.000 rpm, which is the widest revolution range in its class. And with 6 Ncm, it provides unrivalled torque in micro-motors, which allows smooth function of the drill. The progressive footswitch allows to adjust the required power according to the anatomical con- straints encountered in Piezotome, NEWTRON® and I-SURGE modes. There is also a traditional ON/OFF function. To limit cross contamina- tion, special attention was given to the footswitch design to facilitate ac- cess to the various parameters, such as modes, irrigation, purge, choice of the active instrument (handpiece/ motor) and speed regulation, without having to touch the device screen. Furthermore, the metal arch allows clinicians to move it at their conven- ience. Acteon Group, France Booth S27 IMPLANTCENTER 2 FOR FAST AND SECURE BONE SURGERIES 98.2% survival rate IMPLANT SURVIVAL RATE IN IMMEDIATE LOADING AFTER 10 YEARS² Randomised controlled multicenter study Randomised clinical trial IMPLANT SUCCESS RATE IN IRRADIATED PATIENTS WITH COMPROMISED BONE3 100% success rate

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