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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 3, 2016

06 Volume 2 | Issue 3/2016 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation About theJournalofOralScience&Rehabilitation TheaimoftheJournalofOralScience&Rehabilitationistopromoterapid communication of scientific information between academia, industry and dental practitioners, thereby influencing the decision-making in clinicalpracticeonaninternationallevel. The Journal ofOral Science & Rehabilitation publishes original and high- quality research and clinical papers in the fields of periodontology, im- plant dentistry, prosthodontics and maxillofacial surgery. Priority is given to papers focusing on clinical techniques and with a direct impact on clinical decision-making and outcomes in the above-mentioned fields.Furthermore,bookreviews,summariesandabstractsofscientific meetings are published inthe journal. PaperssubmittedtotheJournalofOralScience&Rehabilitationaresub- jecttorigorousdouble-blindpeerreview.Papersareinitiallyscreenedfor relevancetothe scope ofthe journal, aswellasforscientific content and quality. Once accepted, the manuscript is sent to the relevant associate editors and reviewers ofthe journalforpeerreview. It isthen returnedto the author for revision and thereafter submitted for copy editing. The decision of the editor-in-chief is made after the review process and is consideredfinal. About DentalTribuneScience DentalTribune Science (DTScience) is an online open-access publishing platform ( on which the Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitationis hosted and published. DT Science is a project of the Dental Tribune International Publishing Group (DTI). DTI is composed of the leading dental trade publishers aroundtheworld.Formore,visit A b out ww ntal- tr i bu ne .co m

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