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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 3, 2016

Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation 42 Volume 2 | Issue 3/2016 A x i a l p l a n e i n c o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h y Importance of the axial reference plane in computed tomography for dental implant surgery: A cadaveric study Abstract O b j e c t i v e s The aims of the study were to assess the accuracy of dental computed tomography (CT) scans and to compare the discrepancies obtained when eithertheocclusalplaneorthebasalplanewasusedastheaxialreference plane. M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s Thirty-nine mandibles from adult cadavers were examined. Eighteen tomographic sliceswere performedforeach mandible, usingthe occlusal andthebasalplanesasaxialreferenceplanes.Theradiographicmeasure- mentsobtainedusingthetworeferenceplaneswerecomparedwithbone measurements taken using a digital calibrator. R e s u l t s Discrepancies, which varied between 0.03 mm and 1.47 mm, were found between measurements taken from CT scans and measurements taken directly from the bone. When the distribution of discrepancies was con- sideredinrelationtotheaxialreferenceplaneused,itwasfoundthatwhen the basal plane was used, a higher percentage of discrepancies of over 0.5 mm occurred (99.44%) than when the occlusal plane was used (44.44%), with the difference being statistically significant (p = 0.001). C o n c l u s i o n ThediscrepanciesbetweenCTradiographicmeasurementsanddirectbone measurements should be taken into consideration in order to achieve sat- isfactorydentalimplanttreatments.Withregardtopositioningthepatient when CT scans are taken, use of the occlusal plane as axial reference will produce the most accurate measurements. K e y w o r d s Axial reference plane, occlusal plane, basal plane, computed tomography, dental implantology. Carlos Vilaplana Vivo,a Jaime Vilaplana Vivo,a Alfonso Miguel Sánchez,a Juan Ángel Vilaplana Gómeza & Fabio Camacho Alonsoa a School of Dentistry, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain C o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r : Dr. Fabio Camacho Alonso Clínica Odontológica Universitaria Unidad Docente de Cirugía Bucal Hospital Morales Meseguer (2ª planta) Avda. Marqués de los Vélez s/n C.P. 30008 Murcia Spain T +34 868 88 8589 F +34 868 88 8576 H o w t o c i t e t h i s a r t i c l e : Vilaplana Vivo C, Vilaplana Vivo J, Miguel Sánchez A, Vilaplana Gómez JA, Camacho Alonso F. Importance of the axial reference plane in computed tomography for dental implant surgery: a cadaveric study. J Oral Science Rehabilitation. 2016 Sep;2(3):42–9. T +34868888589 F +34868888576

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