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implants_international magazine of oral implantology No. 3, 2016

| events 44 implants 3 2016 1st European Forum on Ultra-Short Implants Author: Georg Isbaner, Germany Fig. 1: Renowned speakers presented their findings on Ultra-Short Implants. More than 200 participants attended the 1st Euro- pean Forum on Ultra-Short Implants in Ferrera/Italy from 17 to 18 June 2016. The forum was organised by theImplantDentistryCenter(IDC)inItalyandthemed “Ultra-Short Implants”. The scientific committee was ledbyco-presidentsbyProf.DrDrRolfEwersandProf. Dr Mauro Marincola and consisted of renowned ex- pertswhocombinedthelatestresearchdevelopments with practical aspects. Bone regeneration formed the focal point of the event, in addition to biomechanical processes during the placement of Ultra-Short Im- plants while preventing bone augmentation. The congress gained further significance by the 11th European Consensus Conference in Cologne/Ger- many earlier this year. Lead by Dr Jörg Neugebauer, a joint paper about short, angulated and diameter-­ reduced implants was endorsed. The impact of the consensuspaper,whichillustratesvariousindications for Ultra-Short Implants in combination with pre- venting augmentation procedures, cannot yet be ­ predicted. However, many surgeons, especially in Germany,arepronetoprickuptheirears,asfromnow on patients will have to be informed about this alter- native to standard implantation and augmentation techniques. Per definition, all implants shorter than 6 mm are Ultra-Short Implants. Friday formed the pre-congress with renowned speakers,hostedbythecompanyAutomobiliLambo- rghini Holding S.p.A. in Sant’Agata Bolognese be- tween Bologna and Modena. The company invited participantstoaguidedtourofthemuseumaswellas production facilities and thus provided exclusive in- sights to the Lamborghini manufactory. Already in theLamborghiniheadquarters,twoopeningspeeches were held for the German-language participants: Dr Alfons Eißing and Prof Dr Dr Rolf Ewers gave their in- troductory lectures to the key congress topics, fol- lowed by animated discussions with Prof. Mauro Marincola, Dr Frank Kistler and Dr Stefan König, among others. A grand dinner at the patio of Castello Estense formed the finale of this first congress day. On Saturday, 18 June, the international congress was held at the Theatro Ferrera (established in 1798). Speakers of the 1st European Forum on Ultra-Short ImplantshighlightedthatBiconUltra-ShortImplants posedagenuinealternativetostandardimplantology and augmentation, featuring a unique geometry and thus prompting a special surgical conduct. This was illustrated by Dr Rainer Urdenta’s speech on bone remineralisation after implant restoration by Ul- tra-Short Implants. Thecongressweekendprovedathrillinganddiver- sified event which showed that, sometimes, less length can be more. Ultimately, this is good news for allpatientswhoaregoingtobesparedinvasivesurgi- cal procedures in the future._ contact Bicon 501 Arborway MA 02130, Boston, USA Tel.: +1 800 882-4266 or +1 617 524-4443 Fax: +1 800 282-4266 or +1 617 524-0096 Fig. 1 32016 Tel.: +1800882-4266 or +1617524-4443 Fax: +1800282-4266 or +1617524-0096

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