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implants_international magazine of oral implantology No. 3, 2016

industry | 29 3 2016 implants a 1.0–3.0mm thin, and knife-edged alveolar crest. Since standard diameter dental implants need a cer- taincrestalbonevolumeforanadequatestabilisation and a good and predictable osseointegration, aug- mentation procedures had to be performed prior to implant treatment.6 A recently published meta-analysis showed that dental implant survival has probably to be seen inde- pendently of the biomaterial used in augmentation procedures.7,8 Since this evidence is limited by the fact, that defect size, augmented volume, and regen- erative capacity are scarcely well described in litera- ture, autogenous bone is still recommended as the ‘gold standard’ for augmentation in the deficient al- veolar ridge. Simultaneous grafting and augmenta- tionisthestandardprocedureinridgeaugmentation, resulting in an extended operating time.3 Fortunately, as the vertical dimension of the ante- riormandiblewashighenoughinourclinicalcase,we were able to harvest an adequate autogenous bone block from the thin alveolar crest, in order to use it as anonlaygraftforthehorizontalaugmentationofthe anterior mandible. This procedure avoided donor site morbidity, and resulted in less operating time and a reduced patient discomfort. The dimensions of the graft were ideal for lateral augmentation, so that there was no need for any additional carving of the bone block. As mean bone gain after healing of the autogenous graft was 3.6mm in our patient, it was slightlysmallercomparedtotheaveragebonegainof 4.3mm, as reported in a systematic review by Jensen and Terheyden in 2009,5 but was comparable to the findings of a recent review by Sanz-Sanchez et al., showing a mean bone gain in horizontal defects of 3.9mm in a staged approach.9 Nonetheless, we Fig. 15 Fig. 17 Fig. 14 Fig. 16 Publish your expertise! research The effects of professional education on oral-health awareness industry Augmentation and implant treatment interview “Help clinicians to make an excellent treatment even better” implants international magazine of oral implantology issn 1868-3207 Vol. 17 • Issue 3/2016 32016 Become an author for implants—international magazine of oral implantology Please contact: Georg Isbaner · Editorial manager © Peshkova/ AD Fig. 14: After three months of submerged healing, a successful implant osseointegration without bone resorption was visible on the panoramic X-ray. Fig. 15: Soft-tissue condition of the anterior alveolar crest at the time of implant-uncovering: lack of keratinised gingiva. Fig. 16: After uncovering the implants, an Edlan-Mejchar plastic surgery was performed to deepen the vestibulum. Fig. 17: Aspect after plastic surgery. 32016

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