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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry, Italian Edition, No.2, 2016

FARMACOLOGIA ODONTOIATRICA: gli aggiornamenti irrinunciabili Per ulteriori informazioni e/o iscrizioni chiamare lo 011 3110675 o scrivere a: CO R S I | D I S C U S S I O N I | B LO G | G U I DA Nell’arco di un decennio le conoscenze acquisite durante gli studi universitari ven- gono spesso superate dall’evoluzione della scienza applicata alla medicina condi- zionando negativamente le scelte terapeutiche ed esponendo il paziente a rischi per la salute e l’operatore a rischi medico-legali. Questo vale ancor più per le co- noscenze farmacologiche necessarie ad affrontare la pratica odontoiatrica. Anche l’educazione continua, oggi obbligatoria, insegna le procedure odontoiatriche in senso stretto, affrontando il “come si fa” in luogo del “perché si fa”. Il corso tratta le implicazioni farmacologiche della pratica odontoiatrica, sottolineando gli aspetti che più di altri hanno subito evoluzioni significative nelle conoscenze e quelli che presentano i maggiori rischi in relazione alle procedure odontoiatriche. VALIDO dal 25 luglio 2016 al 25 luglio 2019 costo 90 euro iva compresa* *Il costo per l’acquisto è deducibile al 100%. Corso online ECONOMICO • FACILE • COMODO ADESSO ONLINE! the self-etch technique although it can also be used with the selective-etch or etch-rinse tech- niques. Care was taken to insure there was no pooling of the adhesive before curing it for ten seconds with the curing light. The crown res- torations were seated utilising a neutral shade of dual-curing adhesive resin cement, Variolink Esthetic DC (Ivoclar Vivadent), starting from the midline and working out distally to prevent any canting of the restorations. The restorations were secured until final polymerisation was achieved. According to the manufacturer, some of the advantages of this cement are excellent shade stability, lifelike fluorescence, easy clean up, and Fig. 8 increased radiopacity. The occlu- sion was checked and verified with the T-Scan (Tekscan) to make sure that all the proper points of contact were in their ideal positions to ensure longevity of the reconstruction. The patient no longer experienced pain and was very pleased with his new enhanced ‘whiter’ smile (Figs. 9 & 10). In addition, he commented on how effec- tively and efficiently our staff worked together in delivering his treatment. _Conclusion In conclusion, having a systematic method for treatment planning, material selection, tooth preparation and cementation, the dental provid- er will be able to address the needs of the patient more effectively and efficiently. Because of this and more, the final outcome will be much more predictable aesthetically and functionally. _ Acknowledgement: Special thanks to Chris Barnes and his staff at Arrowhead Dental Lab for the fabrication of the restorations depicted in this case. L’articolo è stato pubblicato su Cad/Cam International, n. 2 2016. Fig. 9_Postoperative retracted view biting. Fig. 10_Postoperative retracted view open. Fig. 9 Fig. 10 case report _ digital planning chiamare lo 0113110675 Cad/Cam International, n. 22016.
