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Lab Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No. 4, 2016

Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | 4/2016 lab tribune 3 INLABMCX5.COM Experience new freedom in your lab processes breaking the chains of formerdependencieswithinLabandthenew5axismillingandgrinding unit inLab MC X5. Open for all restoration data, combining the largest material range and the possibility to machine both wet and dry disks and blocks – for no limitations to your production. Enjoy every day. With Sirona. Experience new freedom in your lab processes breaking the chains of formerdependencieswithinLabandthenew5axismillingandgrinding unit inLab MC X5. Open for all restoration data, combining the largest material range and the possibility to machine both wet and dry disks and blocks – for no limitations to your production. Enjoy every day. inLab MC X5: DENTAL LAB FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Fig. 12:The ceramic bridge from a lateral view.The pressed andlayeredcrownsadapt well tooneanother. Fig. 13: View from the front. The front teeth were built up individually and the posterior teeth were completed in ceramic using the press tech- nique. Fig. 14: View from basal. In order to produce a stress-free fit, the ce- mentation of the posterior abutments was carried out in the patient‘s mouth. the other hand, it helps to adapt the framework colour and fluores- cence to the actual tooth shade. The fully contoured, single crowns were placed onto the primary zir- conium oxide framework and the edges waxed (Fig. 8). Subsequently the wax structure was replaced with the IPS e.max ZirPress ceramic (shade A2) (Fig. 9). The posterior teeth were finished and their shape and function was realized in fine detail. Complex manual layering techniques were not used. Once the design of the posterior area was finished, we began to build-up the four anterior teeth. We used IPS e.max Dentin material in shade A2 as well as Mamelon, Opal and Incisal materials. Finally the large missing gingival areas were completed with SR Nexco Paste Basic Gingiva BG34. The individual characterization of the gingiva was carried out using SR Nexco Paste Dentin A2, SR Nexco Paste Gingiva G1 and G3, SR Nexco Paste Inten- sive Gingiva IG 2 and IG 4. We used brushes and pads to give a final pol- ish to the composites (Figs 10 to 14). The secondary structure was in- traorally cemented to the multi- unit abutments and ”no-Hex“ abut- ments and the completed bridge was screwed in the mouth. This approach produced a tension-free fitting implant restoration. The in- serted restoration blends harmoni- ously into the patient‘s mouth. Conclusion Often, zirconium oxide frame- works are individually veneered with ceramic. This is how the re- quired esthetics is achieved. The combination of veneered and pressed ceramics is an ideal meth- od to achieve an esthetical appear- ance in an efficient way. The wax pattern can be exactly transferred into ceramic, which is a great ad- vantage when dealing with large- spanned pieces of work. Zirconium oxide frameworks with ceramic pressed-over are a “state-of-the-art” solution in the field of metal-free prosthetics. ◊Page2 CristianPetri ARTCHRYSLaboratory 400664Cluj-Napoca Romania

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