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laser - international magazine of laser dentistry No. 2, 2016

events | its own set of submission guidelines (please see con- gress homepage for further information). WFLD Basic Laser Certification In order to give official accreditation for passing a test on the basic knowledge of laser dentistry, WFLD has developed a special Laser Certification course. Lecturers will be high-calibre international profes- sionals who are well-experienced in dental laser ap- plications. 15th anniversary in Japan WFLD’shistorystartedin1988withthefoundation ofISLD(InternationalSocietyforLaserinDentistry).In thesameyear,thefirstInternationalCongressofLaser DentistrywasheldinTokyo,Japan.Eversincethen,the society has been active as an international organisa- tion for laser dentistry, holding its international con- gresses every two years in different locations. After 14 years, WFLD2016 is going to be the third congress taking place in Japan. Since 2002, the JSLD (Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry) has served as a full WFLD member. History is coming full circle as Hajime Yama- moto,professoremeritusatTokyoMedicalandDental University and ISLD’s first president, is this year’s WFLD Congress president. Isao Ishikawa, professor emeritus at Tokyo Medical and Dental University and thisyear’ssecondcongresspresident,alreadywasap- pointed congress president in 2002. Industry meets history Nagoyaisrichinbothhistoryandindustry.Located atthecentreofHonshu,Japan’smainisland,itishome totraditionalindustriessuchasceramicsandtextiles as well as modern industrial branches like automo- biles, aviation and machine tools. Not only does Na- goya thus play an important role in Japan’s industry, but it also has become an international city of a pop- ulation of 2.24 million people. Nagoya’s main sites mirror this dichotomy of his- tory and modernism: On the one hand, Nagoya is fa- mous for its castle. Crafted in 1612, its magnificent gold-platedkinshachi(tiger-headeddolphins)onthe topmostcastleroofarenotoriouslythemostwonder- ful of all kinshachi in Japan. On the other hand, Na- goya hosted the World Design Expo in 1989, leading to aesthetic developments and modernisations in its infrastructure. A major aspect of these changes, which is still predominant today, is Nagoya’s famous lightillumination,creatingacomfortableandsafeat- mosphere for citizens and visitors alike. This modern influence is also palpable in Nagoya’s famous envi- ronment-friendly Oasis 21 area, combining parks, public and commercial facilities. Spaceship-Aqua, a modern-design shopping complex illuminated by large-scaleLEDsandfedonwellwater,hasbecomeits flagship.ItsaxispointingtowardsNagoyaCastle,this piece of modern architecture builds a bridge to Na- goya’s ancient history._ Fig. 2: Fountain and cherry-blossom trees in Nagoya. Fig. 3: Nagoya Castle. Fig. 4: Spaceship-Aqua in Oasis 21, one of Nagoya’s design flagships. contact WFLD2016 Secretariat: c/o Convention Linkage, Inc. Asahiseimei Bldg., 3–32–20, Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 460–0008, Japan Tel.: +81 52 2625070 Online registration closes 8 July, 2016. © Petronilo G. Dangoy Jr./ © cozyta/ © TungCheung/ Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Tel.: +81522625070

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