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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa No. 4, 2016

KaVo PrimusTM 1058Life KaVo Dental GmbH · D 88400 Biberach/Riß · Telephone +49 7351 56-0 · Fax +49 7351 56-1488 · Designed with passion. Engineered with precision. Built with perfection. Discover the new Primus 1058 Life Andreas Schweiger, Director Research and Development The Primus 1058 has been the synonym for quality and reliability in the dental world for over 15 years. Conse- quently, our development team has passionately designed the new Primus 1058 Life around these core values whilst adding a significant number of improvements and innovations including: • NEW intuitive dentist element • NEW optimised ergonomics • NEW contemporary design • NEW AC chair motor For More Information: 2305_TU-Anzeige_DE.indd 1 23/05/16 13:13 IMPRINT GroupEditor DanielZimmermann Tel.:+441612231830 ClinicalEditor MagdaWojtkiewicz OnlineEditor socialmediamanager ClaudiaDuschek editorialassistants AnneFaulmann KristinHübner CopyEditors SabrinaRaaff HansMotschmann Publisher/President/CEO TorstenOemus ChiefFinancialOfficer DanWunderlich ChieftechnologyOfficer SerbanVeres BusinessDevelopmentManager ClaudiaSalwiczek-Majonek JuniorManagerBusiness Development SarahSchubert projectmanageronline TomCarvalho EventManager LarsHoffmann EDUCATIONManager ChristianeFerret InternationalPR&Project Manager MarcChalupsky Marketing&salesServices NicoleAndrä EventServices EstherWodarski Accountingservices KarenHamatschek AnjaMaywald ManuelaHunger MediaSalesManagers MatthiasDiessner(KeyAccounts) MelissaBrown(International) AntjeKahnt(International) PeterWitteczek(AsiaPacific) WeridianaMageswki(LatinAmerica) MariaKaiser(USA) HélèneCarpentier(Europe) BarboraSolarova(EastenEurope) ExecutiveProducer GernotMeyer advertisingdisposition MariusMezger DentalTribuneInternational Holbeinstr.29,04229Leipzig,Germany Tel.:+4934148474302 Fax:+4934148474173 DENTALtribuneAsiaPacificltd. RoomA,20/F HarvardCommercialBuilding 105–111ThomsonRoad,Wanchai,HK Tel.:+85231136177 Fax:+85231136199 TheAmerica,llc 116West23rdStreet,Ste.500,NewYork N.Y.10011,USA Tel.:+12122447181 Fax:+12122447185 DentalTribunemEAEdition EditorialBoard Dr.AishaSultanAlsuwaidi,UAE Dr.NinetteBanday,UAE Dr.NabeelHumoodAlsabeeha,UAE Dr.MohammadAl-Obaida,KSA Dr.MeshariF.Alotaibi,KSA Dr.JasimM.Al-Saeedi,Oman Dr.MohammedAl-DarwisH,Qatar Prof.KhaledBalto,KSA Dr.DobrinaMollova,UAE Dr.MunirSilwadi,UAE Dr.KhaledAbouseada,KSA Dr.RabihAbiNader,UAE Dr.GeorgeSanoop,UAE Dr.OlivierCarcuac,UAE Dr.EhabHeikal,Egypt AihamFarrah,CDT,UAE RettyM.Matthew,UAE Partners EmiratesDentalSociety SaudiDentalSociety LebaneseDentalAssociation QatarDentalSociety OmanDentalSociety DirectorofmCME Dr.DobrinaMollova Tel.:+971504243072 DIRECTOR TzvetanDeyanov Tel.:+971551128581 Designer KingaRomik PRINTINGHOUSE&DISTRIBUTION AlNisrPrinting P.O.Box6519,Dubai,UAE 8004585/04-4067170 Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | 4/2016 news 2 Mostsugar-freechewinggumsin MiddleEastlackclearlabellingonxylitol ByDTI KUWAITCITY,KUWAIT:Themajority of sugar-free chewing gums contain- ing xylitol that are sold in the Coop- eration Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) countries do not have clear labelling regarding xy- litol content, a new study has found. According to the researchers, the product labels mention neither the recommended daily dose of xylitol for caries prevention nor the actual amount of xylitol the chewing gum contains. They also found that the majority of gums do not provide the necessary amount of xylitol for car- iesprevention. The aim of the study, conducted by Dr Abrar al-Anzi, assistant profes- sor at the Department of Develop- mental and Preventive Sciences of the Faculty of Dentistry at Kuwait University and her colleagues, was to identify sugar-free chewing gums available in the GCC region that pro- vide the recommended daily dose of xylitol for the prevention of dental caries. Thedailydoserecommendedby various dental associations around the world ranges between 3 and 10 g of xylitol, available in the form of gums or lozenges, three to seven times a day. Taken regularly, xylitol can contribute to the prevention of caries by inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans, one of the main bacteria associated with tooth decay. Moreover, the sugar substi- tutehasbeenfoundtoenhancerem- ineralisation and reduce the quan- tity of dental plaque, as most plaque bacteria are not able to ferment xy- litolintocariogenicend-products. The researchers examined the concentration of xylitol in 21 brands of chewing gum (from Kuwait, Bah- rain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE andOman),usingaspecialenzymat- ic kit. They found a xylitol content of less than 0.3 g per piece of gum in nine products, of 0.3–0.5 g in seven and of more than 0.5 g in five prod- ucts. According to the scientists, the majority of gums analysed did not providethenecessaryamountofxy- litolforcariesprevention. Moreover, most of the prod- ucts tested lacked accurate label- ling regarding their xylitol content. Of the 21 brands, only one clearly mentioned the amount of xylitol in grams on its label. Twelve products stated the percentage of xylitol (3.5– 35 per cent). The rest did not specify theamount. “Looking at the percentage, it is not easy for the consumer to cal- culate the actual amount of xylitol in grams. A consumer should be informed of the contents and the amount used in the product so that he can make an informed decision,” al-AnzitoldtheMiddleEasternnews- paperMuscatDaily. The researchers have therefore recommended clear, accurate label- ling of all xylitol-containing gums sold in the GCC countries and ad- vised dental associations in the Mid- dle Eastern region to adopt the gen- eral recommendations for labelling ofcurrentxylitolproducts. The study, titled “Xylitol chew- ing gums on the market: Do they prevent caries?”, was published on- line in the Oral Health and Preven- tiveDentistryjournalon12May. KaVo Dental GmbH · D 88400 Biberach/Riß · Telephone +49735156-0 · Fax +49735156-1488 · 2305_TU-Anzeige_DE.indd 123/05/1613:13

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