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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa No. 4, 2016

July-August 2016 | No. 4 , Vol. 6 Published in Dubai F o r t h e D e n t a l P r o f e s s i o n a l S DentalHygienistSeminar: CAPP&ColgateOralHealth Academy. Continuouscarestrategy tomanagedentinal... Screw-retainedbridges: pressed-overorveneered? FKGDentaireSAoffers anewcomertoitsrange... LaserEndodonticdebridement andcanaldisinfection. AAID-5thGlobalConference meets8thDentalFacial CosmeticInt’lConference... Minimizingalveolarboneloss duringandafterextractions. Short-termgains…long-term problems? ACaseforExtractions. ÿInsertion ÿInsertion ÿInsertion ÿInsertion ÿInsertion HYGIENE TRIBUNE LAB TRIBUNE ENDO TRIBUNE IMPLANT TRIBUNE ORTHO TRIBUNE ÿPage 29 Dentistry and dental technology delivered with passion OpeningspeechbyRobert Ganley,CEOIvoclarVivadent AG ByIvoclarVivadent AG About a thousand dentists and dental techni- cians from 47 countries attended the 3rd Inter- national Expert Symposium hosted by Ivoclar Vivadent in Spain's capital Madrid. Thirteen renowned opinion leaders from academic in- stitutions, dental practices and laboratories providedinsightsintothelatestadvancements in the field of "Modern restorative dentistry: Technologyandesthetics". Robert Ganley, CEO of Ivoclar Vivadent AG, underlined his desire to advance dentistry throughintensedialogue.SoniaGómara,Man- aging Director of the company's subsidiary for theIberianPeninsula,wasdelightedtoprovide the attendees with an opportunity to get to know the work of some of the world's most re- nowneddentalexperts. Trendinghigh:minimallyinvasive procedures Several speeches revolved around minimally invasive treatment options: Dentists talked about outcome-oriented approaches to prepa- ration and impression-taking methods using trays and intraoral scanning devices. Dental techniciansdiscussedtheeffectsoflimitedoral space on their choice of materials and proce- dures. Adhesive cementation came to the fore

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