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Dental Tribune U.S. Edition No.7, 2016

Dental Tribune U.S. Edition | July 2016A4 INDUSTRY NEWS AD Ad Fig. 1: A 27-year-old male patient presents with an old PFM crown on tooth #9, which had undergone endodontic treatment about 10 years prior to address decay. A darkened margin, visible due to gum recession on the facial, posed a distinct problem for this anterior case. In addition, the esthetics of the PFM crown were noticeably inadequate. Fig. 2: Obsidian Pressed to Metal crown masks the darkened stump shade at the gingival third while also blending in with the overall smile. Photos/Dr. Anamaria Muresan, Provided by Glidewell Laboratories Fig. 1 (Before) By Anamaria Muresan, DMD, ME, CDT In the anterior region where esthetics areparamount,certaincomplicationscan preclude the use of all-ceramic material. The task then becomes finding a material worthy of the anterior with the durabil- ity to meet precise standards. Obsidian® Lithium Silicate Ceramic Pressed to Metal (Prismatik Dentalcraft Inc.; Irvine, Calif.) puts an innovative spin on PFMs, with tra- ditional porcelain passed over for lithium silicate ceramic. The result is five times the strength and more than two times the chip resistance of traditional PFMs. Central details: Smile renewed with esthetic Obsidian crown A 27-year-old male patient presented with an old PFM crown on tooth #9, which had undergone endodontic treat- ment about 10 years prior to address decay. A darkened margin, visible due to gum recession on the facial, posed a dis- tinct problem for this anterior case. In addition, the esthetics of the PFM crown Fig. 2 (After) were noticeably inadequate. To achieve an optimal outcome in the face of these difficulties, the first task in the treatment plan was to match the gin- gival height of tooth #9 to #8. Choosing Obsidian for the new crown was impor- ” See OBSIDIAN, page A5 AGD BOOTH NO. 416

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