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cone beam – international magazine of cone beam dentistry

| news new diagnostic technology 12 cone beam 2 2016 Funding brings Manchester diagnostic tech closer to market launch New diagnostic technology developed by a Uni- versity of Manchester spin-out that could help detect early-stage enamel caries faster could soon be ready to enter the market, as the developer has recently announced that it has received funding from a Northern England investor. InacommitmenttoexpandtotheNorthofEngland, MerciaFundManagementhassaiditwillinvestover a quarter of a million pounds in the new software, which is claimed to be capable of spotting early caries and other potential problems before they develop into something more serious. A brainchild of University of Manchester spin-out Manchester Imaging, the software uses technolo- gieslikeactiveshapemodelsandactiveappearance models,whicharealreadyusedinmedicineandface recognition, for example, to analyse dental radio- graphs in order to find early signs of caries. AccordingtoManchesterImagingCEOTonyTravers, itisthefirsttimethatthiskindofmodellinghasbeen applied to dentistry. Traditional methods of early caries detection in- clude the use of laser- induced fluorescence or detectiongels,whichmay however be unreliable. “Manchester Imaging’s computer-aided dental diagnostic software has been developed to over- come the problems of early-stage identification through the use of pio- neering technology that pinpoints the first traces of decay at the touch of a button,”TraverstoldDen- tal Tribune International. “It integrates seamlessly withexistingdigitalX-ray and practice software.” According to Travers, the technologycouldbemar- ketreadyasearlyas2017. Another funding round for investors is anticipated for this year. Inadditiontocariesdetection,ManchesterImaging is working on other imaging technologies for use in dental implantology, for example._ © tcsaba/ 22016
