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implants_international magazine of oral implantology No. 2, 2016

 industry | 332 2016 implants plants and high ISQ (ISQ of 11 and 22 were 78 81, respectively), the final restoration protocol was conducted six months after implants placement. Thefinalabutments(PSCATi,BEGO,Germany)and prosthesis were made of zirconia. Results Evaluation methods Assessment of the soft tissue and prosthesis was basedonthepinkaestheticscore(PES)andwhiteaes- thetic score (WES) put forward by Fürhauser and Belser, respectively. Variables of the pink and white aesthetic scores are shown in tables 1 & 2. Analysis The PES and WES were 14 and 10, respectively. All variablesgotmaximumscores.Thepatientwashighly satisfied with form, colour, translucency and surface texture. Discussion Flapless technology Over the past decade in oral surgery, the concept ofminimallyinvasivesurgeryhasbeenestablished, consisting in taking advantage of advancements experienced in diagnostic techniques and specific surgical instruments, to perform surgical proce- dures infringing as little damage as possible to the patient by minimal incisions or even flapless(punch). Therearemanyadvantagesthathavemadeflapless surgery a technique increasingly demanded and used by clinicians in implantology. Flapless surgery prevents the reflection of soft tissues and the ab- sence of suture reducing the surgical trauma. As a result,thenecessarywoundhealingprocessismin- imal. It also leads to minimal interference on the blood supply, as a consequence of higher osseo­ integration (greater contact between bone and Fig. 30 Fig. 31 Fig. 32 Fig. 36 Fig. 37 Fig. 38 Fig. 33 Fig. 34 Fig. 35 Fig. 30: Placement of the open-tray impression posts. Fig. 31: Connecting the posts with dental floss. Fig. 32: Connecting the posts with acrylic resin. Fig. 33: Personalised zirconia abutments. Fig. 34: All-ceramic zirconia crowns. Fig. 35: Zirconia abutments fixed onto the implants. Fig. 36: Occlusal view of the zirconia abutments. Fig. 37: Frontal view of the final prosthesis. Fig. 38 & 39: Occlusal view of the final prosthesis. Fig. 39 3322016 plants and high ISQ (ISQ of 11 and 22 were 7881,

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