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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 2, 2016

08 roots 2 2016 6. Procrastinating Therearejustsomanythingsforyoutothinkabout when it comes to your dental marketing. How can youfixyourwebsitethatisnot­effective?Shouldyou be engaging with your patients on social media and how to start? You know that you need to educate your ­ patients on a regular basis, but what are the best ways to do this? You need reactivation and re- ferral campaigns, but you have no idea how to carry thisoutinaprofessionalandconsistentmanner.Itis not uncommon to be so confused and overwhelmed that you spend your time procrastinating and doing nothing. 7. Not getting the right advice When you own or run a dental practice, in fact any kind of business, there is no shortage of marketing advicetofollow;thereisanoverwhelmingamountof adviceoutthere.Youmayhavehadtheexperienceof wastingtimeormoneyonpooradvice.Theproblemis that many dentists are not getting the right dental marketing advice. They may listen to many different sourcesandformopinionsbasedonadvicefrompeo- plewhomaynotunderstandthebusinessofdentistry. 8. Summary Thereisnomagicwhenitcomestomarketingyour practice suc­cessfully. Quite simply, it comes down to: · · picking the aspects of marketing you want to use, wisely and with due care and thought; · · ensuring that, whatever marketing activities you decide to undertake, you perform to the best of your ability and budget; · · being consistent; · · tracking your results—setting your goals and re- viewing or refining them on a regular basis; · · getting good advice from trusted experts in the area of marketing you are undertaking. It takes time, but the effort that you put in will be rewardedbymorepatients,increasedproduction,bet- ter relationships with your team and patients, and a senseofcontrolwhenitcomestoyour­marketing.Itis nowtimeforyoutofocusonyourmarketing.Bymar- keting well, doing it consistently, and avoiding the scatter-gun­approach,youcanavoidmakingthecom- mon mistakes that many ­practices make._ about CarolynS.Deanisadental mar­­ketingandcom­munications spe­cialistandsem­inarspeak­er. AsManagingDirectorof MyDentalMarketing,sheworks withprac­titionersthroughout NewZealandandAustraliaon enhancingwebsites,improving brandingandgrowingdental practices.HerbookFullyBooked: DentalMarketingSecretsforaFull­AppointmentBookwas publishedinMarch.Recently,Carolynpresentedthree differentlecturesontheimportanceofmarketingfordental practicesaspartoftheADX16continuingpro­fessional developmentprogrammeinSydneyinAustralia. | practice management marketing mistakes 22016

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