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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 2, 2016

marketing mistakes practice management | 07 roots 2 2016 FKG Dentaire SA 3D generation_ Long-term success for your endodontic treatments AD (and hope) that there is a silver bullet to solve their marketingissues.Thisleavesthemopento­unscrupulous sales people and to disillusionment and frustration when their marketing efforts fail. The companies try- ingtosellyouthemarketingsilverbulletthatwillsolve all your marketing worries are constantly calling. Well-meaning friends, colleagues and patients may give you advice on what they think you should do to marketyourpractice.Therangeofmarketingmediais evolving, and the rapid changes in online marketing make it almost impossible to keep up. 4. Taking a scatter-gun approach Ispeaktomanydentistswhotellmethattheyhave triedmanydifferenttypesofmarketingandtheyhave allfailedandnothinghasworkedforthem.WhenIdig deeper, I discover that they have tried many different approaches, but nearly all of these have been done in a­haphazardwayandinshortbursts.Icallthisa“scat- ter-gun approach” to marketing. It does not work to tryoneapproachforamonthortwoinaninconsistent manner without tracking the results or ­ refining the campaign. This will ­ always end in failure. It has been shown that it can take between six and eleven repeti- tionsforpatientstoseeorhearamessagebeforethey actonit.Doyouknowhowmanywaysandhowmany times you communicate with your patients? 5. Doing it all by ­yourself Youhavetorememberthatpatientsaremoresavvy than ever before. They are constantly exposed to a huge amount of marketing and their expectations of what is and is not professional are continually in- creasing. The reality is that when you are competing against the ­corporates, you need to ensure that your marketing is up to scratch. Itisverycommonforpracticestohavetheirbranding and logo professionally designed and then ­ decide to takeitover,producinghome-madebrochuresandother marketing collateral that use different colours, fonts andevenversionsofthelogo.Ifyouarenotconsistent, yourattemptsatestablishingabrandwillbein­effective. “Many practices think (and hope) that there is a silver bullet to solve their marketing issues.” 22016

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