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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 2, 2016

unusual endodontic treatment feature | 31 roots 2 2016 safety and to make use of precious time the dental team did not want to move the polar bear far from his compound. The senior veterinarian, Hanne Kor- tegaard from the Department of Clinical Veterinary and Animal Science, Copenhagen University, oper- atedoutintheopenonanimprovisedtablemadeof various Euro-Pallets covered with a mat. The struc- ture should be stable enough to carry a stately weight of 400 kg. Allkeepers,doctorsandmedicalexpertsassist- ing in the procedure joined forces to lift the huge animal (resting in a special canvas) to the table top. When the bear was finally in place, the spe- cialists had to act swiftly to proceed with the ac- tual endodontic treatment. Being under general anaesthesia for a long time may be dangerous to a patient. To minimise this risk it was decided not to do both RCT at the same day, but to postpone the treatment of the second tooth for some weeks. Getting down to business Accesstothepulpchamberwasgainedbyopening thealreadybrokentoothatthefracturesite.Aporta- ble X-ray machine and indirect radiograph system helped to locate and visualise the root canal system during the operation. The canal was extremely long and curvy. So-called tiger and bear files were used for the preparation, which have an overall length of 120 mm.Nevertheless,evenwiththoseinstrumentsit was not possible to reach the apex due to the curva- tureofthetooth.Asecondopeningatthemesialside of the tooth a few millimetres above the gingiva be- camenecessarytosecureastraightaccesstotheapex and a thorough preparation of the canal. Working length from this point of entry still added up to 65,5 mm. The file with the biggest diameter used in the procedure was an ISO 80. Although this file was yettoosmallindiameterforthewidecanal,itatleast didnottransportanydebrisintothesystemwhenthe canal was cleaned and shaped. 22016

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