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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 2, 2016

03 roots 2 2016 editorial | Dear Reader, Endodonticsisoneofthedentalspecialtiesinwhichthemostsignificanttechnologicalinnovations have been introduced. As Prof. Gorni recently pointed out: “The major innovations have encom- passed instruments, materials and equipment. In terms of the improvement in instruments, rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) files are the greatest innovation. Regarding materials, bioceramic cements havetobetakenintoconsideration,sincetheyrepresentanenormousopportunityfortheclinician.” To the list of innovations I would also add lasers and its applications in endodontics. I have pleasure in inviting you to read this year’s second issue of the roots magazine, in which you can find many helpful articles, including a report on the use of dual wavelength lasers by Drs. LawrenceKotlow,EnricoDiVitoandGiovanniOlivi.Astheirarticlepointsout,theselasershaveuses in many different clinical situations. Perhaps most impressive is the use of this equipment in root canal therapy. Also in this issue of rootsmagazine, you will learn about root canal disinfection, canal prepara- tion and filling, as well as the newest products and events. PleasenotethatmostoftheissuesofrootsmagazinealsocontainsaCEcomponent.Byreading the article on dual wavelength lasers mentioned above, and then taking a short online quiz about this topic at, you will gain one ADA CERP-certified CE credit. To learn more about how you can take advantage of this CE opportunity, visit www.DTStudyClub. com.YouonlyneedtoregisterattheDentalTribuneStudyClubwebsitetoaccesstheseCEmaterials free of charge. You may take the CE quiz after registering on the DT Study Club website. Yours faithfully, Magda Wojtkiewicz Magda Wojtkiewicz 22016

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