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Ortho - international magazine of orthodontics No.1, 2016

Light Accelerated Orthodontics industry report | 47 ortho 1 2016 Adjunctive OrthoPulse treatment of 5 minutes per arch daily was implemented to accelerate aligner progression, which occurred based on self-assessment. In a daily questionnaire, the patient was asked to report the following: 1. pain, a common side effect of orthodontic treat- ment due to applied forces, 2. air gaps, to monitor fit between orthodontic ap- pointments and 3. pressure,asanindicatoroforthodonticforcemag- nitude. When pressure was given the lowest rating, the patientwouldswitchtohernextaligner.Theortho- dontist, as expected, was in charge of the entire courseofthetreatmentandverifiedtrackingofthe teeth in aligners during regular appointments. Analysis of results achieved Treatment using OrthoPulse progressed well. Archform development and tooth alignment were achieved in a time period of less than four months. The patient was changing Invisalign aligners every 5.5 days during her OrthoPulse active study phase. An interesting finding was that she was able to change aligners during her refinement/fine-tuning phase at the rate of every 4 days using OrthoPulse. Overalltreatmenttimewaslessthanoneyear,butit is important to note that several of the 12 months included non-OrthoPulse periods during the study and waiting for additional aligners during the re- finement phase._ ClinicalcasepreparedbyDrToddDickerson,USA. contact Biolux Research Ltd. 220–825 Powell St. Vancouver,BC,V6A 1H7 Canada Fig.4: Final result on a panoramic X-ray. Fig.5: Final cephalometric X-ray. Fig.6: Final result. Fig.5 Fig.4 Fig.6 12016

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