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Ortho - international magazine of orthodontics No.1, 2016

rapid maxillary expansion industry report | 45 ortho 1 2016 method eliminates the possibility of arm detach- mentbothduringlabarmbendingandinclinicaluse, as well as avoiding the overheating of the joint area, keeping the full strength of the wire thus assuring the required power. The orthodontist and the technician can choose amongvariousmodelsofLeoneexpansorsandappli- ancedesignsinordertofabricatethemostappropiate device for the patient (Fig. 11). SincetheRMEisanappliancethatproducesanor- thopaedic maxillary modification, the ortodontic lab technician has to pay attention to the position of the screwaswellofthearms:therearespecificrulestobe followed, as shown in Fig. 12. Wehavedesignedspecifictoolstofacilitatethelab procedures, avoiding the unwanted damage of the screw mechanism, as well as the overstress of the arms (Figs. 13–15). Leone RME screw range with four arms have an expansion capacity ranging from 7 mm to 13 mm (Fig. 16). Figure17(courtesyofProf.P.CozzaUniversityofTor Vergata,Rome,Italy)showsaRMEButterflydesign. A smaller expansor (Fig. 18) with two arms was developed for use in younger patients with mixed dentition and reduced palatal volume. Figures 19a–d (courtesy of Dr A. Fortini, Florence, It- aly)givesanexampleoftheuseofthesmallerexpansor. A RME with orthogonal arms has been developed in order to reduce the overall bulkiness, keeping a maximumstabilitythankstothedoubledguidedpins expansion mechanism (Figs. 20–23; Figs. 22 & 23 courtesyofProf.Franchi,UniversityofFlorence,Italy). AspecialfantypeRMEhasbeendevelopedtoen- hance the anterior space gaining in cases with in- tercaninediameter(Figs.24–26;Fig.26courtesyof Dr E. Schellino, Turin, Italy). Maxillaryexpansioncanalsobeobtainedbymeans ofaspring-loadedscrewsuchasthenewlydeveloped Leaf expander that can produce two force levels, 900 g and 450 g, giving the orthodontist the possi- bility to expand the maxilla dentally and/or basally (Figs. 27 & 28; Figs. 27a & b courtesy of Dr C. Lanteri, Casale Monferrato, Italy). Thank you Dr Angell for your intuition that has lit- erally 'expanded' the orthodontic possibilities!_ contact Gabriele Scommegna Research and Develpment Director of Leone S.p.A. Leone S.p.A. Via P.a Quaracchi,50 50019 Sesto Fiorentino Florence,Italy Fig.19a Fig.20 Fig.21 Fig.22 Fig.23 Fig.24 Fig.25 Fig.26 Fig.27a Fig.27b Fig.28 Fig.19b Fig.19c Fig.19d Reference [1] Haas AJ:The treatment of maxillary deficiency by opening the midpal- atal suture. Angle Orthod 35:200- 217, 1965. 12016

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